R9 290x or GTX 970?


Dec 12, 2014
Im planning on buying a new gpu and cant decide which one to go with either the 290x or the 970 i know the 970 is more power efficient. I'm not to worried about power comsumption so thats another reason the 290x is on the table. ill be playing all games at 1080p i would like max settings. thanks

cpu fx-8350@ 4.4ghz
8gb ddr3 1600
currenbt gpu msi 650 ti 1gb
asus m5a97 r2.0
600w psu
if it is 1080p single monitor then go for the gtx 970 the 970 is best at lower resolutions but if it is past 1080p and you absolutely want the r9 290x then you would need an upgrade for your psu because radeon cards are not conservative when it comes to power consumption also they run really hot compared to almost every single nvidia card

man that card is power hungry I hope you meant it can use 300w by itself and even that seems a little low balling those cards are especially the best ones amd has to offer are some of the greediest cards I have ever seen
also why are people recommending the r9 290x? the gtx 970 beats that card in every way until you get to higher resolution monitors. you will see more performance from a gtx 970 with a 1080p monitor than you would with a r9 290x with 1080p unless you are doing a 4K monitor there is no reason to get a card that wont perform that well at 1080p the gtx 970 wins in performance. Once you get to 2560x1440 the r9 290x has slightly better performance than the gtx 970 at 3840 x 2160 which is 4k monitor the r9 290x will win completely so I dont know why people would even consider the r9 290x for 1080p there is no use for it and also if you game like me you will save a little bit of a power bill and the gtx 970 card runs smoother and cooler thats what you get when you buy nvidia more performance with less power usage kinda like an intel i7 chip

This is one of those "ticking time bomb" PSUs.

Thermaltake in general isn't a very good PSU brand, the model you have is their low end model. Now a low-end Thermalake PSU isn't the same as a low-end XFX or Antec PSU, it's REALLY low end.

The series/model you have are unreliable, high failure rate PSUs that use dodgy internal components and put out less wattage than a similar reliable PSU will. Also, when (And it will) it fails, it'll fail hard. While a high end model will jjust kill itself, this one will bomb most of your PC components with it.

Would I put this PSU in a cheap office PC with a Pentium - Maybe
Would I allow it into a PC with a $400 GPU - Absolutely not


Stop acting like the 970 is god. Don't be a Nvidia sheep that accepts it when a company false advertises their products for more sales. The 290X is more future-proof than a 970 AND will outperform a 970 at stock

Also, when the PSU fails, it'll kill the 970 just as it will the 290X
The 970 GTX and the 290x really trade blows per game. One isn't really "better" than the other. I was simply asking what PSU because if the 600 watt had been a quality PSU, it could have supported the 290x and the 8350. But that's out of the question now. The PSU is simply a bad one. I agree with GRU, new PSU then a new GPU.

your crazy as hell the r9 290x does not have a leg in the race just as long as the monitor is 1080p also radeon has crap driver support and and comes with less out of the box also in my opinion if you are doing a single 1080p monitor than really who the heck needs the extra 0.5Gb of memory. so what if they false advertised if it still performs better than the 290x at 1080p and also most nvidia cards have a lot less rma rate than the radeon cards do. If you dont expect to upgrade the monitor any time soon then why get a card that you will need to upgrade a power supply over and heat your room up also. I am not a fanboy for either brands but when I see the facts I usually go for the better card

You are clearly a Nvidia fanboy. You have not shown any of these so called "facts" you speak of and continue to bash the 290x without reason. You're also openly willing to accept the fact that Nvidia scammed you and seem not to care whatsoever










There is your facts Mr.GRUxTSAR

now the r9 290x can still play games really well the gtx 970 is the clear winner even at 1440p and 1080p the gtx 970 with its lower power consumption,slightly better performance, better driver support, less rma rate, and more options in GeForce Experience why would you not want the gtx 970 and

also why would I care if I got scammed if the results of the gtx 970 are still better than the r9 290x and they both cost the same also like I said before I am no fanboy to either but I tend to fallow the facts and if amd ever came out with a better card than nvidia for the budget people are willing to spend I would point them to that card given if it was better

also think about how amd was ripping everyone off charging almost 200$ more than they are charging now for the 290x until the 970/980 came out then they dropped there prices so if you want to go the route of who is scamming who try looking at amd when they overcharged people for there flagship card until the 970/980 came out then they did a drastic drop in price

they dropped there prices to match the gtx 970 and that card is still performs slightly less than the gtx 970
Using for highly Nvidia optimized games to prove your point. Nice

Where are you getting "Less RMA rate from" may I ask? All I know is that a there is a flood of people RMAing their 970s right now because of the VRAM fiasco

Do you not have dignity? Allowing a billion dollar company to take advantage of you?

Also, AMD was charging more because of Bitcoin miners buying all the cards. There weren't enough cards to sustain the demands of consumers so they had to jack the prices up (Which even then, were still cheaper than Nvidia cards, at least here in Canada)

The card only performs slightly less than a 970 in certain highly Nvidia optimized games. I've seen times where a 290x would beat a 970 be 6-8fps

Now for the record, if you want to win this argument, I'll give it to you now because we're just jacking OP's thread and this isn't helping him decide

did you go through all the videos from beginning to end not all of those games are all nvidia optimized and also they didnt lie about how much ram is in the card its still 4Gb vram its just that 3.5 of it is fast and the other 0.5 is slow ram
You two really are arguing over insignificant details. 6-8 FPS is nothing. 3.5 GB is more than enough for 1080 Ultra. Heck, more the most part 2GB is fine. There's a small portion of games that require more than 2GB @1080.

Nothing has really changed. I can post benchmark after benchmark where neither the VRAM 290x or the 970 GTX is maxed out @1080. So the 970 GTX has dedicated slower RAM. Big whoop. That wasn't known about when all the pros did their reviews months ago. And it hasn't changed the facts that the 970 GTX is still a killer card.

If you're not happy because Nvidia goofed or lied. RMA the card and be done with it. The 290x is a power hungry hot card. If don't care for the high power usage or hot temps, then get a 970 GTX.

I agree with the mods with this one. The trolls are making this a bigger deal than it really is.

I agree with you completely I just felt that I was being told I was wrong and also being called a nvidia sheep when in all truth Im just trying to lead the op to the better performing card thats all...sorry if I upset anyone and if I was trolling please excuse me I wasnt trying to