Looks like R9 380 performs better that 680. Thanks.https://www.guru3d.com/articles-pages/asus-radeon-r9-380-strix-review,14.html
Found a review with both cards. Not in all games though so look around. They seem to be rather even for the most part. It's not like one outperforms the other by a lot. And seeing as both have only 2GBs of Vram you'll run into issues with either one. I'd get the cheapest. Or the 380 seeing as its probably slightly newer. Both would lose to the 1050 however.
They already axed kepler notebook GPU and Fermi 2 desktop GPU driver ssupport, so one could only assume desktop 680 may get a year or 2 of driver support, at most.When does driver support for GTX680 end?
I want to ask. GTX 960 little faster than GTX 1050 between 3-4 FPS. R9 380 faster than GTX 960. I'm thinking to overclock R9 380. Is there any source that provide which one is performs better? Thanks.AMD drivers get better over the years.
So now its possible the R9 380 performs a little better relative to the GTX680 nowadays.
They don't make 4GB 1050 non-Tis (for desktop).A 4GB 1050 would be faster than either card.