r9 380 4gb memory


Jul 24, 2015

I have r9 380 graphics card that I bought a week ago. When i go to system req lab and run the app for detecting system specs I get this info on gpu memory: Deticated memory 3gb ; Total memory 4 gb. In dx diag it shows 4 gb and so does gpuZ. Is there something wrong with my card, or is it just a system req lab mistake? What bothers me is 3gb deticated memory... Shouldn't there be 4 gb?
Mayby they made the same thing nvidia did with the gtx 970, they told us that it had 4gb of vram but it turned out that only 3.5gb could be acessed.
I reccomend you call the company you bought it from and tell them whats going on. if it really bothers you you could send it back and ask for a refund because it was advertised as a 4gb card
Also when I play some games deticated memory usage goes over 3 gb, it went up to 3,7 gb in one game I don't remember in which... Oh it was far cry 4. So it must have 4gb? It was in gpuz measurement.