R9 380 fans not working!!

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Dec 31, 2014
Hey guys

I recently got a motherboard, i7 4770 and a Sapphire R9 380 4gb from my brother.

The graphics card worked fine in his computer, with the fans going on as soon as the card reached 60-65 degrees centigrade. He was upgrading his pc, so we very carefully removed the motherboard(with cpu in) and super carefully removed the graphics card. We then proceeded to carefully install the motherboard and graphics card in my computer case. As soon as we were finished, we downloaded the latest drivers for the R9 380 and tested the card in Far Cry 4.

At first I thought everything was going fine but as soon as I checked the temperature MSI Afterburner was recording, I realized something was very wrong. Under load the temperatures hang between 89-99 degrees Centigrade. The card is supposed to be 72 degrees Centigrade max under full load. I inspected the graphics card and found that the fans literally do not turn on at all. I can't even adjust the fan speed through Crimson or through MSI Afterburner. The fans just won't budge. The fan twitches when I turn on the pc but that's the only movement I'm getting out of it. I was really really careful when installing this card and motherboard and I am sure that it didn't get damaged. I've been struggling with this the whole day and any help would be deeply appreciated.

Any tips?

i7 4770
R9 380 4gb Sapphire
8gb RAM
Do the fans come on before windows loads? If you turn the pc off, then turn it back on and enter the bios, are the graphics card fans running?
I would check to make sure that the fan plug is fully plugged in. Perhaps only some of the pins are in contact with the plug.

Also, does this happen in safe mode? If it doesn't, then it is probably a software issue. If it does, then it's likely hardware.

To check to see if it's the fan or not try plugging in a case fan into the graphics card spot and see if it spins. If it does, then perhaps the fan is damaged and a replacement needed. (Don't do this for more than a minute or so, temps could get bad)
Okay I'm going to re-slot the graphics card and make sure everything (including the power cables connected to the gpu) is seated correctly.
Then I will boot in safe-mode. I'll check in afterwards.

I'm confused as to what you mean by the fan plug? The R9 380 only has two power cable slots and nothing specifically for the fan.

I seriously hope this works.
Okay uninstalling/reinstalling software didn't change anything.

Yeah they move but they stop again -- the rotor doesn't take over once you give it a nudge. I was so careful when removing and installing this graphics card, I just can't believe that it is damaged. It was working fine in my brother's computer. It's probably worth mentioning that the fans did go on the first time I put it under load, but it hasn't worked properly ever since.

I removed my hard drive and installed my brother's one, and the fans still didn't work when under load. I'm beginning to believe that the problem is either with my motherboard (it worked fine while still in my brother's case) or with the graphics card (I was especially careful with the card since it costs so much).

It especially bothers me that changing target fan control in Crimson or fan speed in MSI Afterburner doesn't do a damn thing.
Ok so while I was waiting to put the graphics card back into my brother's computer, I decided to reinstall my 7870 driver just in case I needed to use that again if my 380 needed to be RMA'd. Something very unexpected happened. My fan actually switches on now, but it only turns on between 75% and 100% fan speed in MSI Afterburner. Anything <75% and the fan won't spin. The fan still doesn't go on in games. Basically all that changed is that I can now regulate my fan speed in MSI Afterburner if the percentage is between 75-100%. My frames also appear to be very low in games now. My core clock speed registers at 300MHz and I got like 40 frames per second in Dota 2 and 30 frames per second in Far Cry 4, where normally I'd get well above 60 in both.
I've already tried uninstalling all fan monitoring programs. It didn't change anything.

This just went from frustrating to crazy.

First off, this graphics card is definitely seated correctly.

When I tap the graphics card like you'd tap a morse code machine, the fan starts fluctuating between on/off.
Then if I slant the graphics card (I move it until I find a sweet spot), the fan starts working completely for MSI afterburner, but not for games.
I played Far Cry 4 for a while at normal framerates, but I kept it cool by setting MSI to 90% fan speed before starting the game.

I've reseated this graphics card twice I am dead certain it's seated correctly. Why is it doing this?
For some reason I couldn't access the bios. It said the bios is corrupted and then proceeded to update it and restart.

I kind of found a way around the fans not working on their own though.
I set the fan speed in msi afterburner to a constant value, but whenever I play a game, after like 10 mins of gameplay the computer just loses power and turns off. The temperature isn't even a ridiculous value. Everything seems to be going fine, and then it would just randomly turn off.

Any thoughts?
Damn. Ok I'll look into that, thanks for the consistent feedback and advice man. I'll try and remember to update this thread if I ever get this fixed, just in case someone in the future has a similar problem.
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