R9 380 PSU Cable help ?


Jan 30, 2015

I have apparently ordered a wrong custom pcie cable for my r9 380;


And i feel really stupid , so i don't want to screw this again. Which cable do i exactly order?

I read that i need an 8-pin OUT of the PSU and 6x2 INTO the gpu.

So will this work?

And will 12-pin work on it? since it has to be a separate 12-pin into 6+6.

Can anybody tell me which one do i actually order from that website?

Help will be appreciated!

My PSU is a seasonic 620w m12ii

Order another of the exact same cable you ordered and you will be fine.
The first cable is correct, and in fact your PSU should have come with it already. Just use the 6 pin part on the end of the cable, and just don't plug in the +2 part. Then you need an additional 6 pin but its separate. You should just need 2 of the first cable, and like I said they should have come with the PSU.

EDIT: just to elaborate the 8 pin side plugs into any of the 4 8 pin PCIe plugs on your PSU. Definitely do not buy that 12 pin. you just need 2 6+2's and just don't use the +2 part.

That does not exist, he has the correct cable, it always goes 8 to 6+2, he has 8 pin PCIe plugs on the PSU. All a 6+2 is is an 8 with 2 pins that are removeable.

The top plugs are for IDE devices and peripherals, the bottom 8 pin plugs are for PCIe devices

i was just going by that diagram from the seasonic website i linked in my original post. it seems to show the power supply having 2 cable outputs for PCIE that are 6 pin and 2 pcie cables provided. one 6 pin and one 6+2 pin.

Their site seems to be down I can't see the diagram you're referring to however


If you look at the pics you can see the plug layout here. All PCIe devices connect to the bottom row, all 8 pin connectors.
Here are some pictures:

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j360/naseem142/Mobile%20Uploads/P51001-184827_zps4ugrzr1a.jpg ( 6x2-pin to the gpu not 6+2)

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j360/naseem142/Mobile%20Uploads/P51001-184855_zpsdl4yvi3b.jpg ( that is an 8-pin i think? out of the psu)

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j360/naseem142/Mobile%20Uploads/P51001-185010_zpseqw6bacq.jpg ( This is the 6+2 which does not fit what i have to replace )


And i want to replace it because current one is as you can see pointing out of the case and is making trouble closing it.

I see what your saying, but the problem is what you want does not exist. You just need to tighten up those cables to fold them in further. The cable you bought is the same as the cable you have (and correct) but probably doesn't fold in any easier. Or maybe it does, its definitely the correct cable.

Your GPU is a 6 pin only, however the only cables that are made are 8 pin to 6+2, where you just don't use the 2 pins. Its made that way to offer options to anyone who buys the PSU to use it with either a 6 pin or 8 pin GPU. I had the same problem as you and I just used ZIP ties to tighten up the cables and pull them out of the way of the case door.
For a 6 pin connector, either of these will work. Just use what you have.


I still don't get it , can i use that 6+2 pin connector on those 12 pin slots leaving a single 6 pin empty?

And why would they put 12 pins if only 6 are needed? I'm confused..

There is no such thing as a 12 pin slot.

Your GPU has (2) 6 pin plug sockets. You need to use (2) 8 pin to 6+2 pin wires to plug it in (which is how you have it now). You connect the 6 pin part of each plug to each socket and leave the +2 part hanging. That 12 pin you found is not correct and does not apply for this.

If its pushing out and blocking your case you should use a zip tie or something pull them down deeper into the case folding the wires in a bit more, or maybe route them over the top if you can.

Yes i know that , my question is that can i use that red cable that i bought for my gpu or not? If not which one do i buy off moddiy.

Yes you can and should use that cable, but you need 2 of them. Connect the red white and black side and leave off the extra 2 black pins. You need a second one for the second plug on your GPU. Both must be connected.

There came a warning with my PSU: ( 280w peak for my gpu as google says )


So i actually have to get another same cable and i will be able to run it fine?

Order another of the exact same cable you ordered and you will be fine.
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Alright , thanks a lot for the help! :)