R9 380 vs Gtx960 low resolution


Jan 8, 2016
I'm gonna build a gaming pc, but I have a 1440x900 monitor.
The setup is gonna look like this:
i5 6500
ASRock B150 Fatal1ty Gaming K4
HyperX 2X4GB 2133MHz CL14
Seagate 1TB
SilentiumPC M35
Thermaltake Smart Se 530W
The problem is, that I cannot decide whether to pick r9 380, gtx960 or even r9 380x. I don't mind tdp or noise. I just wanna play new games at 40fps+ high/ultra and want it to last quite some time.
Thanks ahead
Quick edit to all, that say I need an upgrade: Here, in Poland, monitor is too pricy, so I'm not gonna spend half the money on it, since I'd rather take better cpu and gpu.
I think I'm gonna be able to upgrade it on April or May, not sure yet.


Jan 8, 2016
One more question.
Would antec vp-pc 500w be good? I mean, the r9 380x is quite high, and I'm thinking of how could I save some money? Ya, ik, I shouldn't save on psu, but still


Jan 8, 2016
It's not a few bucks here dude, that's the problem.
What would you say about xfx core ts 550 or corsair vs550? It wouldn't be too pricy.
Gtx970 has same use of power actually and it's recommended around ~500/550


Jan 8, 2016
Okay. 550 watts should be enough. Both brands are good you can choose any. Just let it be known brand. By the way I'm living in Turkey and usd/try ratio is over 3.0. I know the prices ^^. And finally, sorry for my bad english.


Sep 20, 2015
Get the 950 over the 960, it's earlier in the series but just got released, basically the same with 65% of the price. I'd choose it over the R9 for Price/Performance, but, if you need a little extra oomph, the R9 (x) has it.


Sep 20, 2015

I don't mean to sound like a 12-year old with an internet addiction, but I believe the term is 'its a joke'. But yes, not to be misleading, the R9 380x is a very good price/performance Graphics Card, and, if you can afford it, it is likely best in class. The purpose of my comment was to introduce the 950, which could also contend for a lower budget. They are in different classes, and so have differently oriented goals. As a side note, I was thinking of pairing a graphics card to the monitor. The 950 can run ultra settings on nearly every game at that resolution, and has the added bonus of being able to run SLI if there is an improved monitor brought in in the future. (Not to forget crossfire, just considering the processor's capabilities).


Jan 8, 2016
I've done some research and got one more question.
I totally forgot about amd's polaris and nvidia's pascal. By the time it comes out I could get some more money = FHD monitor and better setup.
Would the gtx970/r9 390 cheapen?
I'm not interested in 4K, so I don't even think about buying polaris or pascal.
Sorry for the problem :v
Typically no, the prices will actually rise over time.
At launch, they might be cheaper, but once pascal takes over the mainstream Nvidia lineup production of maxwell cards stop, supply goes down, and prices go up.
Example, try to find a 770 or a 290 at a reasonable price (thats non reference).
That being said, i would save up for a 970 and as soon as you can afford it, grab it.
For FHD a 970 is little better than 390.

The good thing about 390 it comes with 8gb, so, if you bought it, you will not have any problems with any games also future games if they require more than 4gb you will be fine, but, it will be a little 'slower' (in performance i mean) comparated with 970 in 1080p.

We don't need to forgot about the '3.5gb or 4gb problem' about 970. It comes with 4gb, but accessing that last 500MB of VRAM is absolutely slower than accessing the first 3.5GB. About future games, well, i can't say, they maybe will require MORE than 3gb and you will be in a trouble.

PD: If you choice the 390 option, you will be close with that PSU, you will not able to overclock. (Maybe you're not interested in this, but, whatever, fyi).

PD2: i will agree with ^, save and go for 970 or 390.

Post if you have any trouble/issues.



Jan 8, 2016
Okay, so I've done some more researching. I found gigabyte gtx970 (not the gaming g1 tho) for $350. Brand new and etc.
I ask the same question again: would antec 500w be enough for this setup? I mean topic + the gtx.
I'm not gonna oc the shit out of it.
I built it on pcpartpicker, and it was like 300W.

Yep, you're good.