R9 390 Acting Up.


Nov 28, 2015
On my portable gaming build, I am experiencing some white flashes, in fragments of the screen, while playing GPU heavy games for a bit, or even simply using FireStrike.

All my drivers are updated to the newest AMD hotfix, and I am using the Sapphire Nitro version, with a backplate and 8GB of GDDR5. I have tried using earlier versions of the driver, but to no avail; upon running FireStrike, the driver crashed.

Strangely, while running GTA 5 for about 20-30 minutes, this problem also occured. Very abnormal, since GTA 5 is not as demanding as, for example, The Witcher 3, which I have been able to run perfectly fine for almost double or triple the time.

Yes, I am overclocked. That may be the problem, and probably is, but I see a lot of potential in overclocking for this 390, and perhaps my settings are too high/low?

1175MHz GPU Clock
+40 mV GPU Voltage
1700MHz Memory Clock

If this is the cause of my issues, then what would be a reasonable OC settings?

could be the memory, i have issues like this when my memory is clocked too high. try upping the power limit or voltage a tad, if that doesnt work put the memory back to default and run games again, if the issue continues put the memory back up and down the core to stock
You see id recommend the 390 over the 970 anyday unless they want to record, all cards have issues when iverclocked some just show from the beginning others just crash overtime. My 280x was a near instant crash with an instable OC but my 780Ti will crash over 2-5 hours. As i said every card is didferent and will act differently
I don't think the OP wanted an nVidia/AMD flamewar. That's not the point.

First, set your overclock back to stock. And I mean entirely. Memory, core clock, power limit, everything. Play around with this for a few days and see if you keep having the same issues. This is just to find if you have a hardware/driver malfunction and it rules out the OC as a variable.

If it's still good in a few days, your OC was just unstable. Not a big deal. Try overclocking it again and go from there, maybe dialing back on the memory clock like Baumy15 said.

Naw, this was my first time dealing with the 390 and my nuances of this particular card are limited, only that it has 2 times the GDDR5 than the 970, has 1.8 times more cores, and performance wise, could destroy a 970 in benchmarks any day, 1080p or not.

Yup. What would you reccomend my settings to be? The main question is for the voltage, since with other overclocking programs other than Sapphire Trixx, that they automatically change the voltage to your mem/clock settings.

Will do, but again, this is my first time working with the 390, and I'm hoping to get at least a few FPS above stock from OC'ing.

I beg to differ. My 970 FTW+ overclocked only loses to my R9 Fury (which hardly overclocks) by only a few points in benchmarks. Destroy is not the right word to use, more like edges. The VRAM is a nonissue at 1080p. Just putting facts out there. I can provide benchmarks if you please.

You can definitely overclock. But you should make sure your hardware/drivers are okay first. There should be a reset in your OC program. Leave it there for a few days, just to make sure.

After that, it looks like you should be able to make it to around 1110 at stock voltages, or up to 1200mHz if you bump your voltage. Check out this thread for more details. It all comes down to how far you're comfortable pushing it.