R9 390 , i5 6500, (PSU Powerful enough )


May 30, 2014
So I am having the worse look every recently, Bought my PC waited to black friday my build went up by 40 as some of the compensate went out of stock. Ordered the wrong psu. And the PSU I was trying to order last night has sold out also. So is the below PSU 100% run my system is it a good psu

xfx pro650w 80 + bronze

That is a good PSU made by Seasonic and has enough power for your PC

Would it matter that my R9 is msi which is clocked higher? + I have 2 drives (hdd,sdd) and 3 fans with leds
The TDP of the R9 390 is 275 watts
The TDP of the i5 6500 is 65 watts.
The fans, SSD, and LED's don't use enough power to even factor in.
Motherboard, memory, hard drive will be in the 80 Watt area at the most.
Running a full system stress test on your PC your looking at about 420 Watts under normal use like gaming it will be less.
650 Watt is plenty of head room.