My build-AMD FX-6300 CPU, an asus M5A99FX pro R2.0 M/B, 8 gb ram, 500GB SSD, EVGA 850w GS PSU....ATI 5750 GPU haha. Wanting to upgrade my GPU but am on the fence between the R9 390 and the GTX 970 GPU's,. Heard a lot of good things on the 970 but am still not sold. I see the 390 slightly beats the 970 in most benchmarks. What would be the best GPU for my build?? Also, I will probably upgrade my CPU and M/B in the near future. Will the 8GB's of the 390 really make that much of a difference? I just want to make the best choice for future proofing, and need some expert opinions. I am not looking for 4k at all, at least for another year or 2, just some solid 1080 results, maybe...just maybe some 1440, if I upgrade my monitor, which is just a 1080 tv as of now.