R9 390 temps really high


Jul 31, 2015
I recently purchased a msi r9 390 and I am beyond happy with its performance BUT. It has hit 94°C ??? I understand the idle temps being higher due to fans not even spinning for maximum silentness but 93°C with fans at 100% speed??? I also have 6 fans in my case 4 intake and 2 exhaust so I have plent of airflow. Should I. Be super concerned?
have you tried with the side cover/door off the case to see if any temp changes occur ?? heck the card may be dumping more hot air in the case then it can expel to cool things ?/


thats the model. it has the TFV cooler..

Yeah that shouldn't be getting that hot. Unless its like 30'c+ in your country.

well, I could be you got the lemon if all the fans are working as they should and ambent rom temps are not high .. that is high too me for these newer cards I feel at full load 60- 75 normal [opinion]

it could be a goofed cooler assembly from the factory [ not placed right -to loose- improper thermal paste job, ect... ] these things can happen .

I would contact for a rma if its a concern . no point being and staying unhappy . I've gotten bad parts and understand it no fun

heres a few links from toms on this ???






looks like your not the only one ??

You should check air flows. The R9 390 suffers if air won't flow properly.



cant say about all that above but the hottest amd card of mine just gets to 78c in the hottest of summer days ?? the ne I'm on now gets to 65c looping heaven over and over ?? but , also why I'm lookin at the hyberd cards like the evga and the new msi sea hawk as well -

just funy how you get 20 reviews of a card and a few say runs cool at load max 65c and then a few that cant get theres to run cool at all like the op here ?? this is why I say it can come down to the manufacturing process as was the cooler installed right ? proper paste ? or is it the chip as from a good binned select I got lucky or a not so good chip ? vrm tolerances ??

may just be luck of the draw means more today then ever on how your parts work out ??

my airflow is as good as it can possibly be while maintaining positive air pressure, i have 2 fans on the front pulling air in and i have a fan on the bottom that is pulling air in as well. i then have 2 fans on the top pulling air out of the case and another fan on the back pulling in some cooler air for the top mounted radiator
100% speed might just be the reading it gives you, you should have your case open while it says that to see if the fans are physically spinning at 100% which should be about 2600 rpm and also quite loud. It could be that the fans are not spinning as fast they should be.

hm.. ill try it ill go with neutral air pressue, might end up being slightly positive anyways since a lot of the air has to leave the case through a radiator

That's odd then. I have the exact same card in my system and I get 59°C idle and 27°C with fans turned up. If you have eliminated your case/airflow being the problem and you still get temps in the 90s at idle load then it might just be a problem with the card itself.
I got to admit about the fan speed readings with out knowing what the fan is rated fior what is 100%?? is it a 2800 rpm fan or a 1600 rpm ??

like my card under gpu-z at running full load 33% fan at 65c max ?? I gues in the end all that matters is the 65c max temp ??

also the card lists things in the windows event viewer - applications and services -- ace event logs - if any of that can help out ??
so i did some benchmarking with the new fan airflows and managed to keep my card under 70C during the valley benchmark evne when it used 100% of the gpu and it kept its 1150 OC the entire time so its running better now. im just worried about when the room starts to heat up it wont be able to get cool air like its getting now but thats not something i can fix inside my pc sadly

70°C is fine during a benchmark, that card is meant to be up to 60°C on idle load so an extra 10°C under 100% load is no problem at all. I think your problem is fixed.

i have a custom fan curve now in place so it sits a bout 45 in idle while maintaining its silent performance still, so its a good 30 degrees higher tahn its idling xD
well like I said above about how I'm now looking hard at the hybrid cards like the evga or the msi - and if I think you said you had a water cpu cooler on it now then something like the evga hydrocooper that just ties in to the cpu set up .

i don't know but i do see now where them type cards may be the thing with these high end gpu's where air may not keep up with todays demands on them unless under ideal room conditions

i guess at them temps you show do you get any throttling of the card with that ?? like said above could be crap sensor readings high or low

i figure if the card is not crashing - artifacting - shutting down - throttling bad or if all ,well???? so if you were having any issues inline with what i listed above it may not be too much of a worry

so if it seems the card is running and displaying 100% fine with out any issues other then it shows a little hot that may come down to a non issue overall ??

i can say that the card was definitely running as hot as it said it was it was making the metal of my case almost burning to the touch in some areas. but no i got no artifacting and no throttling of any kind it just let itself get hotter and hotter, when i OC it i do get some artifacting and now my oc profile that i had that was working wont even let me play bioshock infinite so i just am gonna keep it at its stock clock and only overclock it if i decide to water cool it, which at that point ill probably crossfire it as well
ya I feel ocing these cards today is more and more folly - the manufactures release these cards as safely max oc'ed out of the box and its just not like in the old days

you may get extra out of it but the risk of it not holding the oc is higher they binned and tested these chips to see how to sell them at a set clock so the factory has pushed the card up right from the start [opinion]

Very wrong in my experience. Modern graphics cards seem to have a lot more headroom for good overclocks and performance boost compared to older ones.

I actually agree because I just ocd it since my temps are way down and I got some solid performance boosts from it

Same here, i managed to get 10% performance boost on my already factory oc'd 780 on a very quick overclock (no voltage change), could easily push higher if needed.