R9290 gpu fans run 100%

Cant install catalyst control center screen goes black half way through the installation. Maybe its damaged cuz i have
tried to overclock the cpu didn't go well i fried it bought new installed it and a fresh windows 8.1.
The problem is half way through the catalyst installation fans suddenly go fast screen goes black so i have to force shut down via power button.

Have you tried gaming? Sounds to me like the black screen bug which has been happening on the 290/290X cards

Cant play anything without drivers installed.


Did you remove all of your older drivers before you replaced the card?

I did replace the cpu cuz it was fried not gpu and yes I did remove old drivers reinstalled windows.
Have found out that I fried the gpu too that's why the fans we're spinning fast during driver installation, got a new 1 now everything works fine now ty for help anyway>D