Radeon 6670 or 5670 (1280 x 1024)


Nov 3, 2011
Hi, was just wondering which of these would be better suited as a new graphics card for my PC; the 6670 or 5670.
The 6670 has got my interest but the 5670 seems to perform on par with it (though it does lose in some benchmarks). But, costing much less.

Purpose: Mostly as a work PC (documents, internet, music, etc.) and light gaming (use it for LAN gaming)

CPU: Intel E5700
RAM: Kingston 4GB 1333
PSU: CM 500W
GPU (current): ATI Radeon HD 2400Pro
Resolution: Samsung 17' monitor @ 1280x1024

Note: The graphics update is mostly so I can play newer games on LAN. It doesn't have to be maxed out with 8x AA or 16x AF, I've a gaming rig for that.
This will be my second AMD GPU only. Thus, need some opinion from seasoned AMD/ATi users.

Thanks in advance. 😀
You have me confused as to which 2 cards you're comparing. You mention the 6670 vs 5670, then the 6670 vs 6570, then the 5570. You seem to have done your homework, though. But the 5670 is slightly faster than the others.

So sorry!
All those numbers have got me confused too. I've rectified the problem, thanks for the notification.
As per the title, it is between the 5670 and 6670. Which would you recommend?
Sorry for the confusion. 🙁
What is your board? I guess looking the CPU(E5700) then your board must not far from LGA775 or like that, which mean it only support 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0 max. So I guess you'll be safer with HD5670 (choose 2.0 version). :)

Anyway, HD5670 is good enough to play most of games with decent setting.

Currently running the Asus P5G41T motherboard; [strike]I reckon the T version means it supports PCI-e 2.0 because the non-T version[/strike] only has PCI-e 1.1.
Is there any major difference between PCI-e 2.0 and 2.1? From what I've read, both sockets have the exact same speed; with the 2.1 having better support and troubleshooting.

By the way, thanks for the suggestion. The 5670 is beginning to make more sense especially budget-wise. 😉

Ahh, it's good to hear that, it's an okay if your board is PCI-e 2.0, because many issues running 2.1 cards on 1.x slot (sometimes work and sometimes not). So you are free using ANY cards for your need. But really, HD5670 is enough to run most of games with decent setting at 1280x1024.

I see. Well, I currently have two paths which my budget will allow.
First: Get the HD6670 and... cash is finished :na:
Second: Get the HD5670 and a CM Hyper TX3; then OC my E5700 for when I'm running CPU intensive applications

Any idea which will benefit me more?
Get the 9800Gt. Going just for over 50 bucks. Not dx 11 but not like your going to use it on above mentioned Gpus. They're just branded dx to sell them quicker but they will give you like 5fps with Tesselation enabled.

I know. :lol:
Low end cards with DX11 is more of a marketing gimmick.
Yeah, the 9800Gt will definitely perform better but I've narrowed it down to those 2 cards because:
1. Market availability. My local electronic stores don't bring in anything older than 2 years; cause I was initially hunting a 9600GT. Oh and I prefer stores because I can haggle the price even lower. :na:
2. Low power consumption. I may have a 500W PSU with the sufficient 6 pin power connectors but this particular PC will be running on an average of 20 hours a day.

They (local electronic stores) were still bringing in Gigabyte's 9800GT until recently. 🙁
Besides that, I'm also very eager to continue my AMD experience (native NVIDIA fanboy), which has been good thus far.

Thank you for your suggestion though, really something to think about.
Who knows if I manage to find one, then it may just find a way into my PC. :)
E5700 at stock speed 3.0GHz is still fast enough, I don't think it's worth to OC it more than that, yes you'll get more fps for some intensive CPU games, but just a little gain. Even with stock cooler you're good to OC it a little bit.

Your PSU is capable to handle higher than 5670, but looking at your situation (monitor and budget), I think a single HD5670 is more than enough for your need. It can play most of games at 1280x1024 with decent setting. Really, it's a BIG jump going from HD2400 to HD5670.
Pretty much convinced myself to settle with the GDDR5 version of the HD5670.
Until I checked the price lists of my local stores, the price difference between the GDDR5 5670 and 6670 is only 3$. :??:
Regardless, there are too many variables from stock availability to dishonest pricing when it comes down to my local shops. 🙁
Therefore, I've decided to go for the 5670 unless:
1) The 5670 it is out of stock or
2) The 6670 if it is actually only 3$ more expensive

Thank you for all the help, I appreciate all that has been given.

P.S. - The 9800GT was an interesting suggestion but one which I could not see work for me. There would be after all, no practical way for me to get hold of one.

The HD6670 is faster than the HD5670. By about 15-20% on average at the OP's resolution.

@OP: The stock cooler should handle an OC of up to 3.5ghz or so fine.

Nothing against it, sometimes I even prefer it. Just that it is more practical and convenient (in this situation) for me to do direct sales. 😉
I've also done my fair share of online purchases.
Ok, I've made quite an error. I wrongly specified my PCI-E version in the previous posts. It is actually a V1.1 slot. So sorry.
Yes, I know about the problems regarding the compatibility of 1.1 and 2.1, 🙁
Though, 2.1 is supposed to be fully backward compatible with 1.1. I've also read up that many are able to run 2.1 GPU on their Intel G41 chipset motherboards with the 1.1 slot.
In order to prep my motherboard, I've updated all of Intel's drivers and flashed to the latest version for the BIOS. I'll also be keeping an eye out for the 2.0 equivalent of the HD5670.
Any thing else I can do to prep it for the new GPU for PCI-E 2.1?
I'm confused. What's the issue with backward compatibility of PCI-e garphic cards? I've never had an issue in all my years of building with any PCI-e Vx.x cards. Forwards or backwards. Slot or card. Pass along any links you may have found regarding that issue if you would.

Here are a few:
(those aren't all but those that I managed to find)
I really don't know too much about it; much of what I get is mostly what I've read.
Similar to you, I haven't had any problems with PCI-E compatibility. But then again, I haven't done 2.1 on 1.1 before.
No problems? Yeah, that's what I'm really hoping for.
Or I could go totally ballistics and get something like the GTX260 (Core 216). 😀
Ok, back to planet Earth. The most recent update for my motherboard's BIOS dates to the 10th of October 2011 (10.10.2011). I suppose by then, they should have already rectified the issue. So, no socket worries for me then. Back to the 5670/6670.
Unless of course, if Mr. Core 216 decides to interfere.