Radeon 6870 And 6670



Hey a few months ago I upgraded from a 6670 to a 6870. I will be buying a new card in a few months but for the next few months my friend said that I would be able to crossfire my 6670 with a 6870. He said its a different thing to the normal crossfire, basically meaning that the 6870 will handle most of the game while the 6670 will just render some stuff and take load off the main 6870... Im not sure if this is actually possible but if it is can anyone explain how because I would love to do it if I can:D Thanks in advance if anyone can help.
By the way incase you need to know the specs of the cards:
XFX 6870, no overclock, 1GB GDDR5.
No brand 6670. 1GB DDr3.



Aghh okay:( Like I said its not that important tbh because i'm going to be getting a 7970 in a few months, was just hoping for a little better performance till then:p
The Radeon 6670 and the Radeon 6870 can't Crossfire together in any way that I'm aware of. The Radeon 6670 doesn't Crossfire with any discrete cards that don't have the same GPU and even then, most discrete cards with the same GPU probably don't support it well (if at all). The Radeon 6870 has a different GPU and I don't think that they support asynchronous Crossfire.

The best that you'd be able to do with that 6670 is either sell it or use it in a different computer unless you use it for a different purpose.



Okay then thanks for the help and the fast replys guys:D Ill just have to wait a few months I guess.