Radeon 7870 on 460W PSU

Joshua Hanover

Jul 14, 2013
Hi Everybody,

I'm new here, but I've been reading up on a lot of the relevant posts for a while. I've seen similar questions asked, but every situation is a little different, so here it is.

I would like to purchase this:


or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202024

or just a plain 7870 if the heat is really going to be a problem.

I have a Dell XPS 8700 with a i7-4770 and a 460W PSU with the following specs:

+3.3V - 17.0A
+5.0V - 25.0A
+12.0VA - 18.0A
+12.0VB - 16.0A
+12.0VC - 8.0A
-12.0V - 0.3A
+5.0Vaux - 3.0A

It also has two six-pin connectors. Would I be OK to get this card with this PSU? Also, should I worry about heat in the case? There air coming out isn't hot as it is.

Thanks in advance.
The PNY was just the first stock card on Newegg, only linked to show it looks like.
The stock cards are limited to 80C-for various reasons-the linked EVGA card will be no different.
If you live in the USA or Canada EVGA is one of the best to get-long warranty and state-of-the-art customer support.
Hate to say this because it sounds do poor but: 'but with confidence'.

From here:

Measured power consumption GBT R7870 OC

System in IDLE = 158W
System Wattage with GPU in FULL Stress = 279W
Difference (GPU load) = 121W
Add average IDLE wattage ~10W
Subjective obtained GPU power consumption = ~ 131 Watts

And they got it with Core i7 965 / X58 system witch is much less energy efficient than Yours set-up.

So 7870 is about 11A on 12V, and CPU should be about 7A according to Intel - Max TDP, 84 W. Seems more than enough.
And 2 6 pin power is OK, as here is one of Your selected cards: http://www.tweaktown.com/reviews/5158/sapphire_radeon_hd_7870_xt_tahiti_le_2gb_with_boost_overclocked_video_card_review/index2.html (also they report total system power consumption of 400W)

About the heat from PSU, there will be more heat and noise closer You get to PSU max power output. As i know most PSU most efficient at something like 50-60% load, You can get info from vendor.

I don't think heat will be a problem if You have descent case, and air is moving there.. Not going to OC Your system rising components voltage, as at stock voltage i think most manufacturers does make sure components stays in normal temp levels.
We're seeing a number of posts about the 'LE/XT' 7870s', none of them good, I'd suggest you reconsider.
A stock 7870 is an OK card but Nvidia have really got their game together lately, so much so that's it difficult to recommend by beloved AMD 🙁, at least in the upper end.
(Sigh) so I'll suggest you look to the GTX760, it's faster than the cards listed, quieter, probably cooler and about the same price.

I see what you mean. Would my PSU be OK to run it?
Although most GTX760s' say they need a 500W unit that's partly the manufacturers covering themselves against the mass of low quality PSUs' out there, Dell usually use good power supplies so you'll be fine with the installed unit.
There could be an issue with the power supply: Nothing too serious, though 😉
Some of the factory overclocked GTX760s' need 1x6 and 1x8 pin connectors, those that do need the 8-pin connector usually come with a 6-to-8-pin converter, it's perfectly safe to use them, but if you are slightly ill at ease with doing so most of the stock cards need just the twin 6 pin connectors.
As for cooling, the stock coolers seem to do a decent enough job and have the additional benefit of pumping their hot air out of the case.
I've been reading many reviews and comparisons of the 660ti-vs-760-vs-http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=14-125-418&SortField=1&SummaryType=0&Pagesize=50&PurchaseMark=true&SelectedRating=-1&VideoOnlyMark=False&VendorMark=&IsFeedbackTab=true&chkPurchaseMark=on&Keywords=%28keywords%29&Page=2#scrollFullInfo

I think I'm settled on the Gigabyte 7870. Just to check one more time: my PSU should be able to run this without issue? Thanks again everybody for all of your help?

As an aside, is it worth it to buy the warranty?
This is a stock GTX760:
Any of those with this type of cooler will be OK.

If you INSIST 😉 on a HD7870, then, yes, it'll run just fine on the existing PSU, again, they tend to inflate the PSU requirements, even if the one you have in mind uses a 8 pin connector it'll run, even if you may need to use a 6-to-8 converter.

Usually if something is going to go bad, it'll do so fairly quickly, me, I'd tell them where to put the 'extra warranty', here in the UK it's one of the bigger ripoffs.
Whatever you choose, the golden rule is, according to Mr.T: ENJOY IT! PLAY YOUR GAMES AND HAVE FUN, CRAZY MAN!

What about this one instead? I've heard good things about this brand, but not much from PNY in termsof video cards. Would this one work for me? I thought I read in Tom's review that these tend to run hot. Maybe I'm wrong.

The PNY was just the first stock card on Newegg, only linked to show it looks like.
The stock cards are limited to 80C-for various reasons-the linked EVGA card will be no different.
If you live in the USA or Canada EVGA is one of the best to get-long warranty and state-of-the-art customer support.
Hate to say this because it sounds do poor but: 'but with confidence'.

Great. Thank you so much for all of your help.
I would not be so relaxed - XPS 8*** PSUs are known for problems, usually underpowered, not like before, I seen enough complains about fallen PSUs with lesser cards, so it is up to you, it is your PC, I would recommend to upgrade power supply, choice is yours.