Radeon 7950 doesn't physicaly fit mobo

Umm, the only problem should be if it doesn't fit the case. rear overhanging the mobo shouldn't really matter.

Also I am not sure what you mean by "extender". extender to what?
I'm not using a case. It's just for mining litecoins, so it's just going to be an open-air rig with a box fan going. And sorry I meant "riser" rather than "extender," like so: http://buyahash.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/UNpowered-Riser-2.jpg

And I thought it would too 474, I was pretty thorough with my research before purchasing these parts. If you look at the imgur pic though there's a part on the motherboard (not sure what it's called, the grey square type things to the left), that prevent the GPU from coming down enough on the PCIe slot that it can lock in.
Those would be the SATA ports. They are higher then everything else on the board. What 7950 are you using?

I just checked my case. I have the Gigabyte WF3 7950. It BARELY has enough room to clear my SATA ports which it does sit over. You might need to trade for a different model 7950 if your cooler hangs down that far. I have a normal size ATX board however so I find it hard to believe that someone made a cooler that is so large it won't clear the ports that are underneath it.
It BARELY has enough room to clear my SATA ports which it does sit over.

Doesn't look much different from mine, though hard to tell in the pic. My 7950 does sit over the SATA ports. There isn't much more then a paper width between them. I'm still thinking there is something else going on. Can you provide a pic from a different angle?