Hi, I have been in a coma for about 8 years and woke up recently. Luckily my family decided to keep my computer which has Pentium 3 Tualatin 1.4Ghz and had a geforce 2 mx. To me it feels like I just spent $4000 on this pc yesterday since I've been in the coma I lost 8 years. Well I figured what the hell 8 years no way could computers advance that much right? Well I bought this pc game the other day called crysis warhead. The box says it requires a dual core processor, from what I remember dual pentium 3 systems aren't even that much better then single Pentium 3 systems so im keeping my pentium 3 1.4 Ghz. As for the video card I'm way behind. The game requiring a geforce 6800 gt or ati radeon 9800 pro I decided to upgrade. Got me a nice radeon hd 3850 agp and from what I read this card can handle anything. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161226 So I boot up crysis and guess what? 3 fps!!! wtf!!! Can anyone help me?