Radeon HD 4890 not working


May 9, 2016
Hello everyone ...

this is my sytems specs :
CPU >> quad core Q9400 2.66 Ghz
GPU >> xfx radeon HD 4890
RAM >> kingston 6 GB ddr2
Motherboard >> Asus P5K deluxe

i have recently run into some problems with my radeon hd 4980 ( xfx custom cooled ) after i upgraded to windows 10 from 7. About a month ago it started to get really hot on games like nfs most wanted 2012 and warframe , the temperatures went upto 110 C !!!

after reading abt some similar problems of other users
I opened card , reapplied new thermal paste and cleaned the fan this lowered the idlle temperatures from 67 c to 60 c , i was very cautious abt temperature. The gpu seemed to be working ok for abt 2 weeks until recently when i was playing nfs the screen went black and i heard static noise for a while . after which the pc shutdown. After physically checking alll components ( gpu was hot ) i restarted the pc but the mother board didnt POST . i removed the gpu and tried again , this time the mother board did POST , so im assuming something went wrong with the gpu.

Can anyone tell me what happened and can anything be done to make the card function again ?
I wud really appreciate ur help !

A CPU issue wold not cause a video card to fail, but a bad power supply can cause both of those to fail.

You said without the card it worked fine right? So the CPU and onboard video is good, but likely the temps were what caused those burning marks. 110C is over boiling.
Ill test it as soon as possible and ill let u know , any ideas as to what cud have gone wrong with the card ? and whether the card can be repaired ?(if it is damaged ) .
Okay so ive tested it another system but it still doesnt work , there is also another problem i decided to reseat the processor to see if that was the mistake , when i took it out a few of the connectors were burned , im assuming that the processor burned and something went wrong in the gpu because of that .

A CPU issue wold not cause a video card to fail, but a bad power supply can cause both of those to fail.

You said without the card it worked fine right? So the CPU and onboard video is good, but likely the temps were what caused those burning marks. 110C is over boiling.