Radeon HD 5450 crossfire config

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to crossfire the 5450, you just need to install another one. it will crossfire though the PCI lanes. then you just have to enable crossfire in the catalyst control center.
You can't crossfire 5450s.
Check out this chart from AMD regarding cards you can.

On another note, you wouldn't want to crossfire 5450s. They can't game, they're slower than a midrange APU. It'd be like having two turds in one toilet, vs one. If you're looking to throw down some FPS you need to consider a graphics card intended to game vs. just having a display or using facebook. You don't need to drop $600 for a card that will game, but roughly $100 will get you medium details at 1080p. Check out the Tom's best gpu article.


You'll notice it's split into price brackets, and on the hierarchy chart a 5450 is almost at the bottom. Good luck!
You can't crossfire this cards, because they are not capable. You would be much better off with a r7 260 or a r7 250 which will preform much better and are around the same

The only reason to crossfire or sli is if you have the very to card and want more preformance. Otherwise it is stupid

Well since im getting mixed answers, i looked at the manufacturers website for both the cards and the board i have both say they are able to use crossfire

Regardless of comparability why do you want to crossfire two aweful cards? They are way below the optimum price to preformance. They just suck. The only reason I think, is that you want it to look "cool".

Also a single newer card will get more driver updates and be compatible for longer

It's your money, you can do whatever you want. But don't be posting about your sub par performance in 2 weeks if you do this
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