Radeon HD 6570 on 250w PSU?


Jul 10, 2013
My system specs:
Athlon 64 X2 3800+ EE SFF 2000 MHz AM2 Windsor
250w Delta PSU. +12/17A +5/18A +3.3/11A -12/.3A +5VSB/2A

It's the Sapphire model. Cause I got a SFF PC

Hi - hate to be the bearer of...., but I don't think it's a safe bet to run that
system with an hd6570 on a 250 PSU. Most tites recommend 400w for
that card/sys. You are right at the limit on +12v amps at 17, but if that
PSU isn't new then there's some capacitor aging and you most likely
no longer have the full +12v amps of 17. Too risky


Not so for tot system - 17amps needed on +12v rail for sys with a 6570,
the PSU (new) has 17amps on the +12v, less if it's aged.

Most everything in the PC these days draws it's current from the +12v rail(s),
not just the GPU.

Too Risky, plain n simple.

Well my cousin is a computer expert and he said it would be fine. I used extreme PSU calculator and put all my system specs and the graphics card and at 100% peak load and 100% TDP, it is 242w. At 90% load and 90% TDP, it's only 212w. And your load should never go over 90% anyway unless for testing purposes. Also the 6570 I was getting is the DDR3 model, which is only 44w

Somewhat lol. But I did find out its the 35w model of 64 X2 3800+ cause my pc is a dell inspiron 531s, which is a SFF PC. So EE SFF makes sense lol. My computer parts including the graphics card, at 100% load is only at 244w also tdp is at 100%. If it's at 90% load and 90% tdp, it's only 214w. So I think I am good. My cousin also gave me the go ahead and he's been working with pcs his whole life

Are u sure or are u just telling me this. I'm not pushing anything if I do this. I'm not gonna try the run metro last light at full max, or even play that game. I'm looking to play older games. Minecraft, cod waw, mw3 and Bo and bo2. Maybe the futherest I will go is bf3. And like web browsing, youtube vids, rendering videos through Sony vegas. Please tell me the truth if I'm good or not
We already told you the truth. If you don't believe me about TDPs, look up some reviews on graphics cards and check their max draw against TDP. Less demanding games won't place less strain on your GPU - it'll simply run at far higher framerates. By default, a GPU will always work as hard as it can to deliver the best speed. You may be OK if you use v-sync (and it'll prevent tearing too). I don't think anyone here is gonna give you a guarantee this will work though.

Well the radeon HD 6570 tdp is 10-44w. And I did set tdp to 100% and 100% peak load, and I still get 244w, 214w at 90% load and tdp.

Why did you ask here on the forum if your cousin is a computer "expert" ?

Go ahead and take the gamle, but a real computer expert would know that tdp is not
the most importanr spec, that amps available on the +12v rail(s) of the PSU is the key spec.

And, I'll repeat a 3rd time; your PSU when new has 17a avail on the +12v rail, and a system
with an hd6570 requires +17a. Go ahead n take the gamble, I wouldn't. The PSU is
the one component that can destroy other components
if it goes..


Hi Sam, thanx. It figures. If I had known, I wouldn't have touched this thread.


Well if I don't get a 6570, what another good GPU for a 250w PSU?

Haha yeah 🙂 OP, like I said before, the Radeon 5450 and 6350 have amazingly low power consumption. They're not particularly fast cards but they're also very cheap and less of a risk than a 6570 (though I still won't make any guarantees). Ideally, you pick up a quality 450 watt PSU and get a decent card in there. That's worth saving up for.

Would at 6450 be fine?

I still think I'm probably gonna get the 6570 because a guy ran a 6670 own a 250w PSU with a much better CPU than me. If some thing where to happen, I would be able to buy another 20 dollar 250w PSU from amazon. Cause I got SFF

Last thing then I choose best answer. Should I be fine. Seeing how my processor only draws 35w. After I install games off their disks, I will unplug the DVD/CDRW. Which gives me about 30w back.

No... I have the discs already case I had another pc but it died. The games that require the disc to be in the run, I can get a patch that runs the games wihtout the discs. And I get most things from steam anyway. So what I asked before, would I be fine? Cause I plan to buy it tomorrow. Like I said without the DVD drive it gives me about 30w

Already mentioned it was a delta PSU in my OP. And delta makes decent PSU's that won't blow up. Unlike my bestec in my other PC...