Radeon R9 280X 3 gb or Nividia Geforce GTX 770 2 gb

Jesse Kemmerling

Aug 25, 2013
I want to play graphically intensive games like Battlefield 4 and Bioshock Infinate in 1080 ultra with a decent FPS, maybe like 60 or more. I don't want to spend more then $400 for the card though. I am stuck between the Radeon R9 280X 3 gb and the Nividia Geforce GTX 770 2 gb. Which do you guys think would be the best for my money and which do you think will offer me better graphics and FPS?
280x and 770 are about the same power. Performance/dollar, the 280x is better because it's about 10% cheaper. If you can snag a 7970 GHz edition for ~$300 that's even better.

Radeon HD 7970


So how much better is the 7970 ghz edition compared to the 770 and 280X?

The 7970 and the 280x are the same chip. rebranded. new name same game, that tiger direct link is a damn fine deal i think you should hop on it. Its a great value considering your options and price range..you can look for something better closer to 400 though probs


If they are the same chip but rebranded, then how are you saying that the 7970 ghz is better than the 280x? Im just a little confused here, gpuboss says 280x is better but more people say 7970 ghz is better and I don't see why?

280x, 7970, and 7970 GHz edition are all the exact same card except for reference clock rates. Once you add in factory overclocking and game bundles value gets convoluted, but on paper, performance goes 7970 < 280x < 7970 GHz edition. 770 falls somewhere in that range as well.

All of those cards are good choices, though.

La R9 280 es mucho mejor, tiene 3gb de memoria que es lo que recomienda DICE para jugar BF4.
Yo tengo una Gigabyte R9 280X y puedo jugar a BF4 con todo en ULTRA a 1920x1080 con sicronizacion vertical activa y los FPS no se mueven de 60, es excelente. Y el consumo de la memoria del GPU jugando BF4 es de 2.2GB.

Yo quiero la R9 280x ahora. Gracias por la ayuda.

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