Radeon R9 280x Bottleneck?


Nov 5, 2013
Hello everyone.

I'm thinking about upgrading my GPU to play Call of Duty Ghosts, BF4, games like Skyrim on High/Ultra settings. Will my system bottleneck this GPU?

My specs are:
8 GB Corsair Vengeance 1600 MHz
Corsair 650 watt power supply
Phenom ii x4 965 BE 3.4 GHz
Western Digital 2 TB 7200 HDD
Radeon HD 6850 1 GB GDDR5

Will be playing on a single monitor 1680 x 1050.

I feel like the only thing that would bottleneck the GPU would be the CPU. Should I upgrade to an 8 core AMD 8350? Would my Power Supply be able to handle the new GPU + 8350?

Thanks in advance!
With that graphics card you should not bottleneck. You could upgrade to the 8350 if you wanted but I do not think there will be too much of an increase in performance unless you get a new graphics card. Also, your power supply will support the new gpu+8350
With that graphics card you should not bottleneck. You could upgrade to the 8350 if you wanted but I do not think there will be too much of an increase in performance unless you get a new graphics card. Also, your power supply will support the new gpu+8350