Radeon RX 460 trouble


Dec 15, 2016
Hello guys! I've just registered here to maybe get some insight on my current problem. I recently bought an ASUS Radeon RX 460 2gb OC (dual fan) to replace my older Sapphire Radeon HD 6750 1gb. I was looking for a replacement for quite some time and first considered GeForce GTX 750ti, but then read that RX 460 outperforms it and the price is the same. Now that I've installed my new card I've noticed that it doesn't make a lot of difference (or even makes it worse) in games that I was aiming to play (except Battlefront, which runs on medium settings at 720 at 50-60fps). I'm now experiencing stuttering in Battlefield 4 on 720 and medium settings, despite me running it no problem with my older card on same settings. COH2 almost no difference when playing on low to med settings on 3vs3 maps. It stuttered before and it still does.
Also to mention, I've installed the driver from ASUS support page version 16.40.2301, because the latest driver from AMD for RX 4xx series produces some strange visual glitches when exiting games: the screen textures become a combination of green, blue, pink etc for like 1-2 seconds then get back to normal.
I use ASUS Gpu Tweak2 and HW Monitor to check on temperatures and they look normal, like 50-60 on load, 30-40 idle.
Could it be a bottlenecking of some sort? I'm not a pro at these things, so if someone could provide some help, it would be really great.

CPU Type
AMD Athlon(tm) X4 870K Quad Core Processor

System Memory
Kingston 8 GB DDR3 1866

ASUS a88xm-e

Chieftec 550W

Windows 7 64bit Ultimate

I like to run 3dmark after installing a new videocard. Why? Because you get a score which you can then compare on their website to other people who also have a 870k paired with a 460. If your score is close to what everyone else is getting then you know the videocard installation went well. If your score is too low, now we have a place to start troubleshooting. Games are not good for this because there are too many variables affecting game performance.

In addition, though this might not be your problem, a Chieftec PSU is crap in my experience. I recommend getting something decent as soon as you can afford it. It doesn't need to be over 500W if it's quality.


Dec 15, 2016

Thanks a lot friend! I ran a 3d mark Sky Diver and my score turned even higher than the rest with the same build.
I'll consider changing the PSU too since it's about 4 years old anyway. What brand would you recommend?

By the way, 3d mark's only problem was that it didn't recognize the GPU driver. I do feel like with ASUS version driver my system is running somewhat slower and AMD version driver is faster, but it gives me those visual glitches or whatever they are when I exit games. Sometimes even during process of shutting down system. Do you think there's any way to analyze those glitches, or should I just wait for the next AMD/ASUS version to come?


Dec 15, 2016

Never mind. I checked and 3dmark says that this is how they highlight hot-fix and non WHQL drivers. I've installed a previous driver from AMD and no visual glitches this time. I guess it's only a problem with the newest driver then.