Radiator placement in Air 540, plus questions on positive air pressure etc...Upgrading componets..and heat...


May 2, 2007
My current rig in my signature. Tomorrow I will be moving into a new Carbide Air 540, adding a 295x2, keeping one 290x that has an H90 installed and taking out the Noctua and replacing it with a H110.

Also adding a EVGA 1300 G2 psu.

Reason for the upgrade is that i am gaming at 3240x1920 and low FPS at med setting is not me.

So now my questions

If I put the H110 up top in the case, blowing in, and the 2 video card rads in the front of the case, blowing in, this just leave me the fan in the back blowing out.

I am concerned with heat buildup in the case, because know that when I game, the heat is pretty intense with my current setup.

And if I have room, I will be doing a push/pull setup on all of it.
You want to have negative pressure in your case.
You want to have more fans on exhaust then intake.
You also want your intake in the front and exhaust in the rear.
By having more air on exhaust you will from a negative pressure that will actually suck air through your computer.
(Like a vacuum)


If there is any side panel fans you want them on intake too.

This is my current setup, and I agree whole heartedly.. but upon reading so many posts, reviews etc...I have come away with 2 thoughts. One, that you want fresh air blowing into your rads (now we are talking just about the H110 at the top) and that a positive air pressure was mo' betta' type of thing.

Will having the rad at the top, the H110, as an exit an ok situation?

The problem with haveing cold air coming in from the top is heat rises.
You GPU will start getting hot because the heat will be trying to rise, but getting blown down.
You could have a push pull setup on your radiator and it will be just as cool.
The PSU also needs to be intaking from the bottom if your case supports it.


The case is an Air 540.. so the PSU is in its own side compartment.

I guess after thinking about it.. If the top rad (h110 for cpu) was pulling out warm air, would I notice much of a temp change on the CPU vs fresh blowing in? I think I am more concerned with not moving the air in the case vs CPU rad using warm air to cool.

It depends on the air temp. In most cases it will not matter because all the fan is doing is moving the warm air out.
If you move the air in with the radiator you will be pushing warm air through your entire system.
(The radiator gives off heat)
If your fans are set up to have negative pressure it will suck cold air through the case cooling everything.
My system is air cooled and my CPU never gets over 50C under a heavy load.
That is with the air at 37C right now. That is only 13C warmer then my room.