Raid 5 failure - 2 disks turned into Non-Raid Disk


Jun 17, 2013
Hello everyone!

Long story short: frontal USB slot caused the system to restart (and for a crazy reason for the bios to reset aswell).

Went back to the bios to set everything properly , after saving the changes and restarting, the RAID menu ( ) showed me that my raid 5 failed and 2 disks (out of 3) are non-Rad disk in here.

did check the bios again, everything is set up properly ( )I'm not sure why I have this problem, please help me solve it, got all my family pics/videos and lots of memory on that, thought I'd be safe with raid 5, got no other backup.

My setup:
Raid 5 (3x TB WD Red - strip 128KB)
MB: Asrock z77 Extreme4
The disks are connected to the SATA2 slots on my MB.

Glad you got your data back. It is important to note though that RAID is not a backup. The purpose of RAID is redundancy. If a company will lose millions of dollars per hour if their file server or database becomes inaccessible, they want it on RAID. That way if a drive dies, the file server or database can keep running. And they can replace the failed drive without suffering any downtime.

RAID doesn't work as a backup because if you accidentally delete or overwrite a file, its copy (RAID-1) or parity info (RAID-5) gets deleted or overwritten as well. There's no way to recover the original file. So even if you're using RAID, you still need a backup.