Raid 5 Stopped - Recovery help needed


Mar 26, 2003
My pc shut down and when it booted again my RAID was gone.
The disks are still visible in the BIOS and in Windows
When I reactivated the RAID controller in my BIOS it showed the RAID but with status = failed.
The RAID 5 was made with 3 Samsung 2TB disks. Now shown as drive G & I
As you can see in the last screenshot, 1 disk is shown as non-member of the RAID

I have tried ReclaiMe Raid recovery but it keeps crashing.

What are my options here? Of course the most important part is recovering the data.

Please let me know if you need more info.
Thank you in advance!

Windows 8.1 64-bit
8GB Ram
Intel i7-2600K
Asus P8z68 V motherboard



Sorry, I missed that and went to the pictures. :) Most of the other programs are $$ programs, although you can usually do a trial to see if they will work and then pay to use them.

I could walk you through a repair process if it were a RAID card array that broke, but the process doesn't work on motherboard based arrays.

You could simply try adding the failed member and rebuilding the array if it will do that in the bios, as you would on a card based array with one failed drive. Just insure that the power does not go out during the rebuild, which would take some time.
I've tried rebuilding it. It lets me choose the name of the array, and strip size. It skips the "select Disks" part :-\
Btw, I've also tried Recuva to recover the files, but that also crashes...
Maybe this could help:
If I try to access my I: Drive (which still says 3.7Tb), Windows ask if I want to format.
If I try to access the G: drive, it says "not accessible - The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable"
Yeah, programs like Recuva don't work on individual disks of RAID arrays since only a part of the file is there. Unless you spend lots of money for pro recovery, you can't do data recovery in this situation. You need to concentrate on getting two of the drives working so you can rebuild the third.

There is another RAID repair program worth a try: HERE, free to check but if it tells you it can recover you have to buy it for $99.

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