RAID reverted to AHCI but confusing Computer Management disk reads???


Jul 8, 2014
Okay, so as per my old thread (on a different subject) I have a machine that I have a 1TB SSD for a boot drive and 2x4TB HDD's to set up as RAID 1.

I tried to do this, unsuccessfully, through the UEFI BIOS on the Asus Z170 Motherboard, so have decided to go with a software RAID.

When setting the RAID in the BIOS, is stated : 1Tb SSD and 4TB HDD will become the RAID?

Anyway, having reverted to AHCI, in the BIOS the 3 disks read as they should. Now I have Win 7 installed on the SSD, but in computer management Disk 1 (the first 4TB drive) shows as a 1TB drive, and when listing it's properties it shoes it is a RAID1 disk. That is the same for the 1TB SSD. Disk 2 - the second 4TB drive, appears as it should.

How do I revert disk 1 back to it's correct 4TB???
Back to bios, switch to raid mode, brake the raid1, switch to ahci again. You may want to try again with the bios raid - that is a software raid as well. you just added the wrong disks to the raid.

Brilliant, thanks so much. Disks now showing in Computer Management, but 'New Mirror' not showing at all as an option.... I'll start another thread!


Maybe because you need raw, empty disks to create the mirror set?