RAID 0 is almost ALWAYS a bad idea. What drives are you trying to RAID? SSDs are the worst choice for RAID 0.So i have been trying for the past week to raid0 my pc and there seems to be no option for that in my bios i have asus prime h510m-d motherboard.Need help.
Why would you be doing this?So i have been trying for the past week to raid0 my pc and there seems to be no option for that in my bios i have asus prime h510m-d motherboard.Need help.
It is against the rules of this board to assist with any activities that attempt to circumvent security measures. This thread is closed. Do not ask for assistance in avoiding bans here.I want to do it because i have been banned on a game and apperantly raid0ing my ssd would unban me
I want to do it because i have been banned on a game and apperantly raid0ing my ssd would unban me