[SOLVED] Ram 4000MHz cl16 vs 3600MHz cl14 ?

Very close. 4000 CL16 is going to have more bandwidth, but slightly higher latency then 3600 CL14. Considering most people buy 3600 CL16, you are ahead there with the 4000.

Hard to say more without the price. Have you looked at 4400 CL16?
Both products are Patriot Viper Steel 126€ for the 3600 and 127€ for the 4000. Both 2x8GB. I havent found 4400MHz CL16 with decent price. I only found 4400MHz cl19 but its pretty hight latency I think (132€)
3600 - https://www.amazon.com/Patriot-Vipe...09NLBY8XB/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
4000 - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09NLBNLZ4/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1G2FC5CI8M2YB&psc=1
4400 - https://www.amazon.com/Patriot-Memory-Viper-4400MHz-Performance/dp/B07KXLFDL6/ref=sr_1_4?crid=29LIEOS6KLE0O&keywords=4400mhz+cl16&qid=1666912043&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIyLjY2IiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ==&sprefix=4400MHz+,aps,104&sr=8-4

Dont look at amazon's prices bc I would buy them at amazon.it and mine is the correct price
Depends on the cpu. If using Intel, neither has any overall advantage. If using a Ryzen I'd go with the 3600 since Fclock is 1/2 DDR, and not only has a hard time with stability at fclock 2000, but also moves from a 1:1 ratio to a 1:2 ratio at anything over @ 3800MHz with uclock and mclock, which actually is slower. For a Ryzen, 3600/14 trumps 4000/16.
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I strongly suggest that you look at the QVL for your motherboard/cpu combination before you even consider such an upgrade. It should be available from your motherboards website. RAM has a nasty habit of destabilizing systems in ways that are not immediately apparent. Intermittent lockups and corruption are common. Even a QVL isn't always guaranteed, but at least it gives you a good starting point and with good board manufactures will often give you stable timings. XMP with Intel chips is pretty good, but no matter what you are running an overclock when you go beyond SPD. Unfortunately it isn't that uncommon that someone ends up buying high advertised RAM and ends up running it at SPD timings to stabilize. Higher clock doesn't always mean lower latency and advertised speed on RAM isn't stock or guaranteed stable on your setup. Look up your QVL.
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