RAM and Motherboard question


May 18, 2007
So I want to get the Biostar T force nvidia 550 motherboard. After reading reviews, I've seen that in BIOS, you can adjust the voltage anywhere from 1.95v to 2.10v.


The RAM that I want to get however is standard A-DATA RAM which is stated at 1.8v.


What happens when you put 1.8v RAM into a 1.95v motherboard? Does something break? Do you take a major performance hit?
The manual unfortunately mentions nothing about memory voltages. I was hoping somebody could help me out here and/or provide me with a good reference. Thanks for your time.



May 18, 2007
They showed a screenshot showing the possible options. They definitely ranged from 1.95 to 2.10v. One thing I also dont understand that maybe someone can fill some light on. Why is it that if the DDR2 standard is 1.8v, if you go to newegg for instance you will see a ton of DDR2 Ram which is spec'ed greater than 1.8v. As a first time builder, these things are really starting to confuse me. Thanks


May 22, 2007
Hey apc3161,

I just copied this out of the BioStar TForce 550 manual, which I got at biostar-usa.com, these are BIOS settings:

Memory Overclock Setting:
Memory Voltage:
This function will increase memory stability when overclocking.
Choices: The range is from 1.80V to 2.1V, with an interval of 0.05V.
Memclock Frequency:
To get better system performance, sometimes downgrading the memory
frequency is necessary when CPU frequency is adjusted over the upper
Choices: DDR2 400, DDR2 533, DDR2 667, DDR2 800 (MHz).

There is also a Jumper on that Board for SDRAM voltage. If you change that jumper from its' default setting it says will be fixed at 2.2v and not changeable in BIOS....Funny thing I just noticed, the manual does not show or say anything about "normal" BIOS setting like, boot order, enabling or disabling on-board devices, time, ....etc... Very Strange...
Also, your comment about all DDR2 memory having a standard voltage is slightly in error. I read recently, I believe here at THG, that some or all DDR2 800 has to run at 1.9v. I think it was at that voltage it may have been slightly higher.

I am going to build a new system and fortunatly have enough time to read a lot of articles..etc.. Been asking a lot of questions here myself. I am also thinking of using the TForce 550.

Hope this helps....that article about the memory is on one of these...$300 PC, Beginners guide to MB selection, or DAY 1 of Builder marathon...I think anyway....I have been reading and browsing so much I am not sure...

SEE Ya, kenr77