RAM Bottlenecking CPU?


Dec 19, 2017
So i have a build: http://

And i was told that the single stick of 2133MHz RAM would bottleneck my CPU Hard.
Is this true? And if yes, is there any way to fix it? Like buy 2 x 4GB Ram instead?

Also this is a budget gaming pc build. The budget is 1000-1100 (Maybe can go to 1150).
The cost of the above link is $1042.5 (INCLUDING THE PRICE OF MONITOR WHICH IS $99)
If anyone has any other budget builds in the price range feel free to suggest them!
single channel versus dual channel memory.
if you get a matched set of RAM each stick will have its own comms channel to the CPU. two conversations simultaneously so to speak.
dual chanel memory requires 2 sticks of the same speed and specs. matched sets. Mixing RAM is iffy.

get a dual stick set of RAM and the build looks good. lookout for the 1300x sometimes it is the same price as the 1200.
single channel versus dual channel memory.
if you get a matched set of RAM each stick will have its own comms channel to the CPU. two conversations simultaneously so to speak.
dual chanel memory requires 2 sticks of the same speed and specs. matched sets. Mixing RAM is iffy.

get a dual stick set of RAM and the build looks good. lookout for the 1300x sometimes it is the same price as the 1200.

Ok will do, Thankyou!!!