Hey guys so I was picking out new ram and was wondering if I would be able to run this https://m.newegg.com/products/N82E16820232205
at 3200 MHz on my motherboard
I know I have an A320 Mobo but that’s only because I just bought parts really not knowing much and trusting my friend. Was just hoping I could get some assurance before I purchase this since I’ve seen people be happy about this ram with their own 350 and 370 motherboards. Thanks in advance.
at 3200 MHz on my motherboard
I know I have an A320 Mobo but that’s only because I just bought parts really not knowing much and trusting my friend. Was just hoping I could get some assurance before I purchase this since I’ve seen people be happy about this ram with their own 350 and 370 motherboards. Thanks in advance.