Ram compatible with Mobo?

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Likely, yes it is compatible, if... you do not already have any ram installed.
But, if you are looking to add ram,
consider that

Ram is sold in kits for a reason.
A motherboard must manage all the ram using the same specs of voltage, cas and speed.
The internal workings are designed for the capacity of the kit.
Ram from the same vendor and part number can be made up of differing manufacturing components over time.
Some motherboards, can be very sensitive to this.
This is more difficult when more sticks are involved.
That is why ram vendors will NOT support ram that is not bought in one kit.

If you do buy more disparate sticks, they must be the same speed, voltage and cas numbers.
Even then your chances of working are less than 100%

What is your plan "B" if the new stick/s do not work?

Sometimes increasing the ram voltage in the bios will make things work.

If you want 8gb, my suggestion is to buy a 2 x 4gb kit that matches your current specs.
CPU-Z will tell you your current specs.
Then, try adding in your old 4gb,
If it works, good; you now have extra ram.
If not, sell the old ram or keep it as a spare.


Did you buy used?
If so, return it as non functional.

Most ram has a lifetime warranty; a return to PNY is possible.

To be absolutely certain that a particular kit is compatible, go to the ram vendor web site and access their ram selection app.
Enter your motherboard make/model and you will get a list of supported kits.
Just because you don't like someones answer doesn't give you carte blanche to use profanity. Maybe you wouldn't be in this situation if you had followed the correct advice in the first place. Do not post like that again or you will be on the outside looking in. Thread closed
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