Ram Dual / single


Feb 22, 2015
Hi There :) I recently built my computer and don't know a WHOLE lot about computers but enough to skate by on 😛 i recently bought 8GB of Dual memory ram and have 4 slots on my motherboard i was just wondering so long as it's in the second chanel would i be able to use just a single stick of ram

Channel 1 = 2 sticks 8GB dual
Channel 2 = Single 4GB?
Thanks for your help! :)
For maximum memory bandwidth, both DIMM's should be used, with one DIMM in slot 1 and the other DIMM in slot 3. Alternatively, one DIMM in slot 2 and the other DIMM in slot 4.

Unusual to get a dual channel kit and only use one of the DIMM's!? If only ONE DIMM is to be used, then it should go in the preferred slot as indicated in the motherboard manual. Normally a single DIMM would go in slot 1, or in slot 3, but confirm this with the manual.