RAM faulty? Or just my OC skills. Or my PC all together?


Oct 11, 2013
Hello. To begin, I about a year or so ago I bought "CML16GX3M4A1866C9" CORSAIR RAM. (Here's a link to the stuff, but mine is blue http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233328). It is set to run at 1866mhz, yet my motherboard doesn't like to run it this way. In fact, when I force it to run that speed in the BIOS, it will be okay for maybe 20 minutes, and then I will get a random blue screen. I have a Gigabyte Z87MX-D3H board and a i5 4670k cpu. I've tried nearly everything, from overclocking the CPU, changing the voltages, etc. Nothing seems to work. Earlier today, I managed to get the PC stable for a few hours, but then I BSODed again. If I "load optimized defaults" I'm totally stable. However, I have no overclock on anything then.

I need advice. I've been trying to fix this problem for days now.
You say when you 'force it', are setting it manually or using XMP? i.e. enable XMP select profile 1? Also do you have the latest BIOS? If you have the latest BIOS and have tried XMP, can you post up your advanced DRAM timings.