Question Ram gets ''backed up'' I guess


Mar 10, 2016
Hi! I have 16gb of ddr3 ram. Usually I have chrome open (with a lot of pages, about 20), steam and maybe something else not too heavy. I float around 40% usage at that point. Recently I checked my ram with the same apps as always open and I was at like 90%. I restarted my computer and it fixed it for that moment but it ends up getting back to like 90% pretty quick. I don't get any performance hit from this or maybe I never waited long enough for this to happen before restarting but it is pretty annoying. It seems to go up based on how many apps I open or just over time a little. Any help would be much appreciated. Also I think this started around the last windows update but not too sure.
Chrome has a bad habit of keeping pages in memory even if you close them (in case you undo the close tab or open it again). It's not unusual to close all Chrome tabs except one, and see it's still eating up 6 GB of RAM. I started browsing in private mode partly because of this - when you close a tab in private mode, it disappears from memory immediately.
Well the thing is my chrome only uses 2-3gb (I forgot about that part sorry). No other apps really use much ram when I look in task manager. It shows high usage but the numbers kinda don't add up. Also I restarted my computer for the sixth time because of this and it seems to be fine now so I guess it's gone. It's been a problem for like a week lmao. Thanks anyways guys. :)