Ram is set to 1866MHz but been used at 1333MHz?


Dec 20, 2014
Link to the RAM being used:
Kingston HyperX Fury Black 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory
Timings: CL10 ( 10-10-10-30 )

RAM is 1866MHz 1.5v but in Windows 8.1 Pro it says its running at 1333?
Screenshot of task manager:

In my BIOS I set the DRAM Frequency from auto to 1866MHz,
for the Timings I changed the following:
DRAM CAS# Latency from auto to 10
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay from auto to 10
DRAM RAS# ACT Time from auto to 10
DRAM RAS# ACT Time from auto to 30

BIOS Screenshots:
Frequency: http://gyazo.com/eaaf8b774ff5176342fafbb589faa8c8
Timings: http://gyazo.com/4ca4ef14e3221902113682055a8bb4cd
Saving changes: http://gyazo.com/8cb4966fa9d78a2b1cf643527a93e3ae
CPU Z SPD Tab: http://gyazo.com/e5cecfbe3395f4c2f6bb0ab6b3a9270a
Memory Tab in CPU Z: http://gyazo.com/fe8a4f3d0e0414b96f6b7a2523041a32

Motherboard - Asus MAXIMUS VII HERO

I included the SPD picture as I seen somewhere that the SPD will show what speed the ram is currently running at, Im just not sure how to read it to see what speed its running at.

Did I do everything correct?
Not really sure why its not moving up to 1866MHz, any help would be appreciated :)
If more screenshots are needed, let me know and ill take them, task manager showed 1333MHz before I changed anything in BIO and after.
Memory tab should show 933 if running at 1866 since this is DDR (DOUBLE data rate). Make sure you have the latest BIOS. The Fury don't use XMP they operate off PnP and set them selves up to the highest they 'think' they can run...Generally it works well, can also go in and set manually .
Memory tab should show 933 if running at 1866 since this is DDR (DOUBLE data rate). Make sure you have the latest BIOS. The Fury don't use XMP they operate off PnP and set them selves up to the highest they 'think' they can run...Generally it works well, can also go in and set manually .

So if its running at 932.5 MHz this is the correct number for 1866? Like from what I gather its 932.5 X 2 which is 1865 MHz which I would be okay with, only one off, but not really sure why task manager is only showing 1333MHz?

thats correct then 2 x 932.5 is 1865mhz i know its 1866mhz ram but 1mhz is within tolerance


its a common windows thing to read it wrong same as it reads the cpu wrong usually if you have it overclocked


I'm pretty sure he's right actually, my CPU-Z is also showing 932.8MHz and with dual channel it would be about 1866. Now I have trust issues with task manager, I had no idea it displayed inaccurate figures.

yeah i have overclocked my cpu since windows xp days but windows would always report it at the factory default speed

i trust cpuz totally