RAM Isn't Showing At Advertised Frequency When Enabling XMP in BIOs.

Jan 28, 2019
This has been a pain in my thigh ever since I decided to go into my Bios and try to overclock stuff. I tried to figure it out by myself, but I've just decided to post here to seek help. To start off, the RAM that I have is 32GBs (2 x 16GB) Corsair Vengeance DDR4-3200, and the Motherboard I have is the Asus Maximus IX Hero, you can see my build for reference if you need to here: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/zFs9XP.

When I go into my BIOs and enable XMP under AI Overclock Tuner, the XMP category that pops up doesn't show my RAM as the advertised frequency as you can see here: https://imgur.com/a/VieE1y1. Does anyone know why this is? If anyone knows how to fix this I would really appreciate if you could help.

Thank you, Dooplis

I just checked the RAM box in my attic and I bought the 3000MHz one, RIP. lol It seems that the guy at Microcenter gave me the 3000MHz one by mistake when I was buying the parts last year.
You shouldn't care less anyway, stick to the XMP Profile, get VCCIO and VSA Voltages lower than AUTO (1.1 should be more than enough) cause on stock they are about 1.3V and you'll be fine. Or you could just leave everything on AUTO and just enable XMP Profile. 200MHz won't have an impact on your daily routine anyway... This is LGA 1151 not AM4 so you would't care less for the MHz of your RAM kits 😉

Don't bother tweaking the timings yourself especially if you don't have any previous experience. After all, as I mentioned you won't notice any FPS boost on Intel platforms, not a major one at least like you would on Ryzen.

PS. You have a strong system over there, so enjoy it

Thank you for help and the explanation. = )