RAM Issue - Need some help


Oct 28, 2015
Hello all,

So I think I may have messed up here. Before I start I have an Asrock Z77 Pro 3 and x4 4gb HyperX Fury 1866MHz.

So I originally had x2 sticks of 4gb HyperX and decided to buy another 2 sticks of 4gb thinking I will have a total of 16gb. Little did I know until I put in all the sticks and booted up and saw that I still only had 8gb available to use that this might not be compatible.

All I'm really asking is if I just wasted money on this new ram or is there some way to run all the sticks on 2 separate channels?


Occupying all slots can be tricky at times - it's not always plug and play. Most motherboards need a little more voltage at the DIMM sockets to properly juice up the RAM, but if the specs of your pairs are different, you'll also have to configure the BIOS to meet the following requirements:

Highest voltage of the two kits;
Highest latency/timing of the two kits; and
Lowest frequency of the two kits

If you don't already know, setting the voltage too high can fry your motherboard; too low will cause instability. That said, the inherent danger of having mixed kits is that if one kit requires a voltage setting too high for the other, you could damage your DIMMs and/or motherboard.

Thanks for the reply.

So what I can gather from your answer is if I up the voltage to my RAM my motherboard will start using the full 16gb over the 8gb?
Assuming your DIMMs are all the same (Timing, Speed, & Voltage), then increasing the voltage to gain/increase stability could get your computer to use all 16 GB.

Also worth trying is:
start>run>msconfig>boot tab>advanced options>uncheck max memory (if checked)
What CPU? Need a CPU that can carry the sticks fully populated as you are. Will it run and use 8GB with a set in slots 1-3, and will it run with second set also (where you see and can use all 8GB. What are the Fury sticks setting up as? 1333, 1600 or 1866? Do you have the latest BIOS? The Fury operate off PnP so the latest BIOS is most likely to provide the best support to the sticks

Thanks for the reply also,

I have a i7 3770. The sticks are 1866 but I think they might be running at 1600. I have the latest bios.