RAM Memory not working


Apr 18, 2017
So i bought a new RAM memory of 4gb ddr3 1600MHz and and placed it in one of the 2 slots i have.After i start the pc i look at my computer's properties and only have 2gb of (the one i had in the first place) which is also ddr 3 and the frequency i am pretty sure is 1333MHz.I thought i had to reinstall my windows, so i did (windows 10) but still only 2gb.And i am sure i installed the ram "chip" correctly (i tried pulling it a bit and it won't budge).Also both of the Ram "chips" are from kingston.PS:i tried turning on the computer with only the 4gb ram and something weird happened.It didn't do the beep code which tells you that there is no memory installed.what happened is that the screen was black and the fans were running and there was no beep telling you everything is alright.it acted like the memory chip is "bad" but when i have both of them installed the computer is working.PSS:I switched the memory chips with the slots to make sure the slot didn't go "bad" but it's working.Any solutions?

Thank you for answering but I found out what the problem is. My motherboard can only handle frequencies up to 1333 MHz .