RAM not being fully used. 16gb show as 8gb


Aug 1, 2014
Greetings citizens,
Bios: Latest
CPU: Ryzen 1700 stock speed with a corsair h60(2013) in push and pull with 2 corsair sp120s
Motherboard: Msi b350m Gaming pro
Ram: Corsair 8gb ddr 4 2400 x 2 CMK8GX4M1A2400C16
SSD/HDD: 1x m.2 samsung 256gb, 1x kingston ssd 128 gb
GPU: Msi gtx 1070 gaming x 8gb
PSU: EVGA 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan
Chassis: Phanteks Eclipse p400S
OS: windows 10 pro 64bit

I recently realized that even though I should have 16gb it shows 8gb being hardware reserved and nos usable for anything.
Is there a workaround this?

If I were to change those sticks to this: CMK16GX4M2A2400C16 would my problem be solved?

This is the msib350m Qvl: https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/support/B350M-GAMING-PRO#support-mem-12

I dont want to buy a new one in vain, if possible id prefer to use the ones I currently have.

Any help is valued!
Are you on the latest BIOS update for your motherboard? As this is a troubleshooting thread, you;'ve forgotten to include your full system's specs. List them like so:

Rather than change and/or spend more resources, lets see if we can work with existing hardware, shall we?
Question from crankyandchaco : "RAM not being fully used. 16gb show as 8gb"

Just google the make and model of your RAM modules and ask the question as to whether they can be dual channelled. Im sure someone else has had this issue before. Failing that someone may be able to tell you right here if you list us the Make and Model of your modules. :)

EDIT: Having had a look at the model provided, it does not look as though these can be dual channelled. I'd recommend selling that module and buying a dual channel kit of the same kind.