ram not used by system


Apr 3, 2014
i added 4 gigs of ram to my pc and everything went fine and the mobo and windows recognized it but windows says only 16 gigs usable(amount before upgrade)
What mobo, CPU and model #s of the DRAM, mixing DRAM isn't a good idea, best to get full amount needed/wanted in a single package (then they are tested and better yet, guaranteed to play nice), mixing packages is a crapshoot, maybe they play, maybe they don't, even with sets of the same exact model
What mobo, CPU and model #s of the DRAM, mixing DRAM isn't a good idea, best to get full amount needed/wanted in a single package (then they are tested and better yet, guaranteed to play nice), mixing packages is a crapshoot, maybe they play, maybe they don't, even with sets of the same exact model