RAM or DIMM or somthing else?


Jul 11, 2013
If two separate sticks of RAM check out individually, the two DIMM slots check out individually, but when both are inserted Memtest86 4.2 fails, what is the culprit?

The RAM sticks are the same model/serial although they are from different boxes (1 from each box tested positive for errors).

I read somewhere that it could be the CPU.
This is why you don't mix sticks from different packages, in a single package the sticks are tested to work together, tolerances are so tight in todays DRAM you more often than not can't just throw sticks together...what model sticks are they? (preferably model #), if they are 1333 or 1600 might just try raising the DRAM voltage + 0.05 and see if that helps...otherwise may need additional adjustments
Check your voltages, set your latency by hand, and try again. If your testing is working with only one slot occupied (either slot and either stick) it doesn't look good. If possible try them in a different computer. Sounds like it could be a bad memory controller or just incorrect settings. Hard to say with the limited information provided. You are, however, on the right track!
This is why you don't mix sticks from different packages, in a single package the sticks are tested to work together, tolerances are so tight in todays DRAM you more often than not can't just throw sticks together...what model sticks are they? (preferably model #), if they are 1333 or 1600 might just try raising the DRAM voltage + 0.05 and see if that helps...otherwise may need additional adjustments

I still have the bad sticks, but seeing how I got errors I'd rather not use them. And I doubt Amazon will replace the same product twice.

I have a week or so before I have to ship it back. The model is Corsair Vengeance CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9. Online and in the MB manual it lists it as 9 9 9 24 1.5V, which is what comes up in the Bios and CPU-Z.

I posted in the CPU section that my CPU came in with bent pins and I tried to get by by straightening them. Kinda dumb, I know, as I later learned that sometimes you can get a RMA. My first real build, so I expected a few bumps. Before I buy another CPU and possibly another MB, I wanted to narrow down the RAM problems. From what I've read, a bad CPU could cause RAM to not work well together.

Also, with a single stick I can run Prime 95, but with two the system freezes, requiring a hard restart.
It also freezes with just about everything else given enough time.

Oh, and memtest doesn't fail, it freezes. My bad on that.

I will try increasing the DRAM voltage by 0.05. Thanks!

Looks like it was the CPU.

I increased the voltages to 1.55 from 1.5 and while it booted up faster, the memtest and Prime 95 still froze, as did games and browsers. I tried re-seating (took it out and put it back) the CPU, which made it worse, as on one memtest attempt the system didn't freeze, it just shut down.

Then I "borrowed" my brother's old AMD Athlon II 450 Triple Core, popped it in, and got prime 95 running. I ran memtest twice, with both RAM sticks in and it passed perfectly twice.

Now I'm going to game around and watch netflixs until morning to see if it freezes. Then it's put the 450 back in the bro's PC before he's awake. If it doesn't freeze, it looks like I need a new processor and that bent pin was the problem all along.

Anything I'm missing?

It went great. No freezers or errors. I only used it for a few hours and the freezing with the other CPU was random, but since the second was dropped in there was no problems with Prime or Memtest. Then I had to give the CPU back right after.

I realized that BIOS versions sometimes can't support newer processors, but my BIOS was 1503 on the ASUS M5A97 R2.0, and the BIOS needed for my bad CPU, an FX 6100, was 0208. So I don't think that would make a difference.

Looks like I should get another CPU.