Ram Question and help picking one out.


Nov 17, 2016
Ok So I know many people ask about speed in ram vs fps etc. but this isn't going to be one of those posts... Kinda.
I want to what else ram affects in games. Like items loading in games rending in game and what does ram do for streaming.

I do a lot on my computer and I often do more than one thing while i play. I watch Netflix while I game or youtube. of course, the game and sometimes I stream while I play and watch youtube / Netflix. I also sometimes keep tabs open when I'm working. yes, I play games when I'm working on things 😛 but mainly ill be gaming/streaming or gaming / watching stuff. my current ram does this just fine. but I'm upgrading everything.
I have some ram now that is 4x8 = 32 and 3000 I might upgrade to something a bit faster or 4x16 = 64 now I know 32 and 64 is a bit overkill. but I am looking forward to star citizen and I know they are going to be trying to push the limits on unlocking the limits of a pc. like 64-bit gaming and higher ram usage. should I go for higher end ram. also I'm not someone that overclocks at least not much.

would anyone have any suggestions? should I get 3200 or 4x16 I was just hoping for some serious suggestions from real gamers who multitask over someone that just plays looking for fps.

I'm the type that lowers my settings to maximize performance. I'm after the edge not how well I can see a mole on someone's ass from a mile away.

the MB I'm getting is the Asus ROG MAXIMUS X HERO (WI-FI AC) i7-8700k

Can you please take some screenshots that include the task manager, showing the RAM usage as well as in game screenshot(s) showing what MSI AB sees as far as RAM usage is concerned? Others will eventually have this concern and some hard numbers/pics will help those who are in a similar situation.

You have more than double that amount(thanks to Capt. Obvious 😀) and then some. Your PC has quite a reserve left. But we are in theoretical waters as far as the extra padding for 2018 and beyond is concerned. Nothing I can really help with on that end.
Why the change from 32GB? Have you seen your RAM usage at or above 28GB?

But wait. Let's get this out of the way.
That was done in response to another user's 4690K getting too warm. I think it's relevant because I was actively gaming, running that test, playing a movie on mute, had some tabs open in multiple browsers and ummm some monitoring software like HwMonitor and Specy were running. I think Coretemp was running as well.

There a chasm between multi-tasking and productivity tasks such as editing/rendering. I was simply multitasking and didn't get a FPS drop due to my RAM being over-solicited. If I were editing a 4K video with Sony Vegas that would be a world apart from that insane torture test I applied. The RAM, as a buffer would be taxed a lot more with that job than my small test.

I just don't see the justification. Have you watched your RAM usage
? Does it exceed 90%?
I'm not looking at the now. IM looking at the future of gaming (as it seems right around the corner.) followed by everything I do now. It's not bad to have extra ram. example ( Playing Escape from Tarkov, Maps maybe CPU heavy but the assets don't really leave the memory as you load up the maps. it does make it faster in load times and render times. however. There is also a memory leak in the game. people with lower end ram are forced to restart assuming they don't crash.) I have reached that limit before. with star citizen and more game headed towards 64 bit systems how long will it be where 16 is the new minimum or is no longer enough.

But this post isn't just about the size of the ram. When I try and study what ram is perfect for me. I seem to only see people talking about gaming. nothing about recording streamer gaming and watching Netflix. This could also include many tabs being open.

I dont claim to be a ram guru. but any real advice would be greatly appreciated

I hope someone else can offer you some. Netflix can easily buffer with only 16GB in play. It's minimum requirements is actually less than a GB. Steaming is dependent upon the user's settings. Streaming 1920 x 1080p/max settings will of course use more RAM than 720p medium settings gaming. I would then use Task Manager, Performance Monitor and Resource Monitor to see if any resource is running light. I use MSI AB while I'm gaming if I am curious about my PC's health. It can show me a LOT of information including VRAM and system RAM usage.
. Am I getting close to the maximum RAM? And I used maximum RAM AGAIN. That's not the point. The point is how much RAM is my system using. Is that amount getting close to what's installed? If it is then I would know I need to upgrade.

Typically speaking editing and streaming will take more RAM than streaming alone. The regular amount these days for a gaming/streaming/editing rig is up to 32GB. Normally I see 16GB. I can't see any of your usage. I agree that longevity has it's value and that preparation puts the user in a more comfortable position. I think 32GB is already preparing the future of your tasks. That I can't know until I see some usage screenshots.

I am not disagreeing with you. but with star citizen trying to push pc limits and trying to unlock the full potential of hardware other companies will follow suit.
if star citizen is a success then the future of pc gaming is right around the next corner. at that point, 64g of ram might very well seem like a good idea. but that's why I'm asking this question. battlefield is made with console in mind. so comparing that game to current ram usage isn't an accurate representation of future ram usage. plus with memory leaks on top of what I already do. it would be nice to tank through a memory leak rather than crashing and waiting a week or more for a patch.

but what about speed what speed should i go with? currently this speed is 3000

That's the second time you mentioned Star Citizen. I saw that in its early stages of development. In forums 16GB seems like enough https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/68ljfa/8gb_vs_16gb_ram_performance_test_in_sc/ . Even those who did install 32GB don't offer a reason why they chose it over 16GB. How much does your rig use while gaming, recording and streaming with that game?

Can you please take some screenshots that include the task manager, showing the RAM usage as well as in game screenshot(s) showing what MSI AB sees as far as RAM usage is concerned? Others will eventually have this concern and some hard numbers/pics will help those who are in a similar situation.

You have more than double that amount(thanks to Capt. Obvious 😀) and then some. Your PC has quite a reserve left. But we are in theoretical waters as far as the extra padding for 2018 and beyond is concerned. Nothing I can really help with on that end.