Ram question for laptop

Blitz Blitz

May 18, 2015
Hi, I thinking about these ram: http://www.corsair.com/en-us/vengeance-16gb-high-performance-laptop-memory-upgrade-kit-cmsx16gx3m2b1600c9 How good they are? Cause price drop is really nice for this now, from ~160 $ to ~90$. Can I expect bigger price down to 80 - 50$ or no, or get it now? Also my laptop manufacturer declare that max ram is 8 GB, but in some forums I read 16 GB works fine. So go with these 16 GB or search 8 GB kit? http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-vostro-models-that-support-16gb.666934/ :)
Yes it is a good RAM, and if its on sale, you better grab it. but, you may have a problem with the max ram supported.. if your laptop declares 8G max, it is safe to just stick with it... then add another 8G later if you tested that it really can support more than 8gb.
Yes it is a good RAM, and if its on sale, you better grab it. but, you may have a problem with the max ram supported.. if your laptop declares 8G max, it is safe to just stick with it... then add another 8G later if you tested that it really can support more than 8gb.