RAM-RAM Compatibility info. What must I note while adding more ram sticks?


Jul 18, 2015
I have a Simmtronics 4GB DDR3 1333MHz single stick installed. I am planning to upgrade my RAM capacity to 8GB by adding one more since there is a free slot left on my motherboard. I know that specs like latency, clock speed, etc should match, and preferably 2 ram modules should be exactly the same, but is it necessary? What all should I see while buying a new one? The one which I have works fine, but I know it is not a high end product. So if I could get a good RAM to couple with it, it would be great. My motherboard is Gigabyte GA-F2A55M-DS2.
You've kind of covered it off.

Ideally, you want a matching 'kit' (not just a pair, but a kit, sold together & tested to be compatible with one another) - sometimes even buying an exact matching single module will not 'play nice' with your existing module.

Second, would be to find an identical module to give you the best chance at compatibility - the exact same brand/model/timings/speed etc.

Beyond that, as close to matching as you can fine (speed, timings etc), brand shouldn't matter much at all.

Least ideal, would be totally different RAM - speeds etc. In theory, faster RAM should downclock to run at the lowest common denominator of the two (so 1333MHz in this case), but there's no guarantee.

Honestly, it can be a bit of a crapshoot. Personally, I've never had any issues 'mixing & matching' RAM myself - and any "6GB" configurations in laptops (as an example) use mis-matched RAM from the outset, but many people have had issues (people I know personally, and countless people on this forum).