Ram replace-Pc does display nothing


May 6, 2017
I just bought a brand new 4gb HyperX ram 1333mhz to replace my old 2gb old one (probably slower). They are both ddr3 and my motherboard is supposed to support my new one. When I put back my old one everything is ok, the problem occurs only when I put the new one.
Things I have tried:
-I tried every possible combination in every slot.
-I updated BIOS
-I removed and placed back my CMOS battery.
Any other suggestion?
(I'm placing the new ram stick alone,without the old one)
If it's not on the QVL list, that's the first thing they'll bitch about. I'd return it as RMA for something on the QVL list. I'm tempted to say it *should* work, except it clearly doesn't.
Test the RAM in another computer, if you know someone who has one you can test it on. Other than that, it may just be a case of incompatibility.