I have built new PC a few months ago. Sadly there is a problem. Faulty memory as it turned out (running 2x 16GB 3600Mhz sticks on an AM4 Gen board with a Ryzen 5600). 1 stick died so I bought a new one to swap it out. Im here 1 month later and behold both memory sticks detect errors now when running MemTest86. I reseted the bios of the montherboard by removing the battery, checked for bent pins on the CPU but its all good. The PSU is garanteed to be good bcos its a completly new and a very high quality one. I stress tested both the CPU and the GPU many times but they work just fine. There are no visual problems with the motherboard when I inspect it but I dont have a heat camera or the skills to actually check for problems. Im suspecting something might be shorting the motherboard. I removed it from the case and reassembled everything but I still detect memory errors on various CPU cores when running MemTest86. Now my PC wont even boot with memory running on 3600Mhz as originally but only 3200Mhz. I also tested putting the RAM sticks in all 4 memory slots all over the place but no change.
What is to be done? Rly need some expert help here...
What is to be done? Rly need some expert help here...
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