RAM Timings?


Oct 14, 2007
I've got an ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe, AMD 64 X2 5200+ Windsor and 2 1GB sticks of G.Skill DDR2 (PC6400) RAM.

In CPU-Z my RAM timings are reported as follows:

Frequency: 373.2 MHz
CAS# Latency (tCL): 5.0
RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD): 5
RAS# Precharge (tRP): 5
Cycle Time (tRAS): 15
Bank Cycle Time (tRC): 21
Command Rate (CR): 2T

I'm a complete newb when it comes to tweaking RAM timings... :hello:

Can someone help me tweak this?
Because of the AMD system for memory speed (CPU/7) you are getting 373.2 MHz instead of 400 MHz. Your CPU multiplier is 13 and since this is not divisible by 1/2, 7 is used.
Anyway, this is a good method of overclocking your CPU - simply increase your HT 'fsb' speed to ~215 MHz!
This will give you ~2800 CPU speed, and your memory should run just about spec @ 400 MHz (800DDR).
In other words you are setting your memory to perfect spec, and then accepting the slight OC to your CPU that this setting provides :^)
5-5-5-15 is common or 'SPD' settings that the memchip will surely function at... fail-safe settings, y'know? Not bad settings @ 800DDR speed but considered kinda 'loose' in Intel-land where you see slower speed ie. 667DDR.
@ 333 MHz (667DDR) something like 4-4-4-12 is offered, or 3-4-4-10 for big-$$ memory.
In CPU-Z you can see your memchip's SPD settings for various speeds. Check it out!
Memory often defaults to 5-5-5-15 @ 1.8v but may do the next tighter timings listed in SPD with a more proper voltage of ~2.0v or 2.1v.
These memory voltages are not available on many (inexpensive) motherboards however - hence the nice loose fail-safe defaults @ 1.8v.
SO - you could concentrate on tightening your timings @ 373.2 MHz
OR - you could increase your memory speed (and system speed) to 400 MHz and accept the 5-5-5-15.
Increase both speed and memory voltage, and I believe 4-5-5-15 @ 400 MHz should be workable ;^)

Here ya go:

Umm, I have no idea what you're talking about...

I am a newb, so..., talk to me like a first grader when dealing with this stuff...
You say increase my voltage and speed...

What should I be tweaking it to?
I've never done this stuff before...

I know I can go into the BIOS and play with settings, but I'm not looking forward to burning something out...
If you know that little about this stuff, you should not being messing with your ram timings.

Read up on some of the sticky guides on this forum and other forums. Then after you've done enough reading to understand the basics, come back and ask if you still have questions. At this point, chances are you will only do damage to your system if you venture into your bios.