Ram upgrade, black screen


Nov 9, 2016
I upgraded my ram from 2x 8gig Corsair vengeance 3000mhz to a 4x 8gig RGB vengeance 3200mhz kit, and it immediately wouldn't post. I just get black screens, even when I put the original ram back in.
I am using an Asus z170a, and I was almost certain that it claimed it could hold up to 3400mhz?

I'm under the impression that either 1) within my bios setting, I had it on xmp and my ram set to 3000mhz, and I forgot to change that before installing or upgrading it, or
2) could I have shorted... All 4 dim slots? I've tried various sticks in different slots, all yeilding the same result - nothing. Could I have shorted all 4 slots?

I also forgot to mention, my keyboard is illumanted even with the PC turned off - but not to my custom set colors, and my mice aren't turning on at all. Don't know what relevance that might have
Try resetting CMOS to get back to square one. I personally don't rely on auto detecting, especially when using faster ram. On the motherboard specs anything over 2133 is considered overclocked ram. So then boot into bios and manually set the timings and voltage for that ram, that's what I'd do. After clearing CMOS and installing the new ram I mean.
I still can't get it to boot, I tried to cmos by shorting the two pins Asus said to - and it actually made 1 out of 4 ram slots RGB turn on, so something activated but it still does not work. I don't know if taking the battery out would do anything, in an another cmos attempt? Or could that cause any harm, I'm running out of options
I've removed 3 sticks, leaving the one that's illuminated in, and I now have also taken out my graphics card trying to force integrated graphics - but still no post at all. No communication to my display, and my keyboard is like permanently turned on. I've tried resetting cmos again, and still nothing. I still feel like the dim slots are undamaged though.. and the sticks themselves their brand new