Ram Upgrade from 8gb to 16gb help/advice?


Dec 6, 2014
Hello tom'sHardware, in my current PC I am rocking 8 gigs of DDR3 ram (found here) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820211857

I was looking into possibly upgrading to 16gb of ram but need some help.
There are many brands and such, I have heard that these 2 sets are quite good.

Now my question is, are either of these sets good? Worth the price?
When it comes to upgrading my ram, is it just a replacement as if I was getting a new graphics card?
Is there more to upgrading ram in a system?

Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks Again!

I have not heard of this up until you now saying it. Hmmm

The RAM set you posted is good.

As for the CAS timings, I've never put too much faith in those numbers personally as I've never noticed a huge enough difference in performance to justify some of the price differences between RAM sets, but if the price differential between that set and another is $10-$20, might as well go for the RAM with better timings if you absolutely must have every last bit of performance.

Upgrading your RAM is a straightforward process, remove old RAM and plug in the new, just ensure you're using the correct slot pairing to enable the proper channel configuration. Check your BIOS once installed to see if the timings shown are those that the RAM is rated for; if not, you'll need to set them manually.

Other than that, nothing to it.

Both links are to the same set of RJ X 1866/9 which yes is a very good set. The big question here is what CPU, if it's a FX 6300 or better than should be fine. Since the move of the MC (memory controller) to the CPU where it used to be on the mobo, it's now more the CPU that determines the freq you can run than the mobo (though lower end mobos that have DRAM limitations based on their chipset still play in.

I'm Running WIN 8

Ok thanks. Which ram would be better. Don't know super much about timings? Would it be the corsair Vengence?
*FIX* here is the missing other ram choice woops - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233540&cm_re=16gb-_-20-233-536-_-Product

Woops, fixed it heres the other ram - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233540&cm_re=16gb-_-20-233-536-_-Product

Also I am running a 8320 FX @3.9ghz

A few more bits of advice:
1) We are assuming that you know that you can only benefit from RAM upgrade on a 64 bit machine, if you were 32 bit you would still only see & use about 3.25 Gb RAM, no matter how much you put in.
2) As long as the RAM sticks will run at the same rate / speed you can mix & match, I have 2 x 4Gb Vulcan 1600Mhz with 2 x 4Gb Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz. You should install the same type RAM in slot 1 & 3 - 2 & 4 if you have 4 slots.
3) Eventually I will change all RAM to the Vulcan range by Team Guide, a little more expensive but fantastic RAM. Have a look in Amazon.
4) And finally, when you do upgrade, you may be expecting you new RAM to be running at 1600Mhz because that's what it is called. However, when you check in BIOS, it may only be running at a default setting of 1333Mhz. If this is the case then call back, there are plenty of folk here who can help with changing the frequency for you.

Okay thanks man, so your saying that I could combine both if I chose to?
Now saying that, would it be a better bang for the buck if, I just bought another one of these to match my current ram and make a total of 16 gbs? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820211857

Or would it just be better to get a whole new ram kit like my original plan and just go with it?

Also yes, I am running WIN 8 64 bit.
After hearing the response from local-yokel, would just purchasing a matching RAM kit of my current one and adding it be better off to get the 16gbs? Or would it be better to just stick with my original plan and get a whole new kit to either combine if possible or replace entirety?

Yeah, no point throwing away money. this is good RAM that you have, just purchase another 2 sticks, (providing you have 4 slots for your RAM, then install as you like, no sequence needed. Hope this helps.

Okay thanks for the help as well as the rest of you. Saving 60 bucks and not having to worry about another possible problem is well enough for me.
Thanks again

Thanks again for your input.! Glad you could contribute!

Thanks again man for the help! And thanks for the nice explaining too, answering what I asked. Thanks!

Thanks for contributing, hope it might've helped you too as well.


and here is my motherboard, judging from what others have said, I'm pretty sure itll work - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128602
With the 8320 either set will work, as far as mixing your set with another, there is no guarantee that they will play - the forums are full of people trying to mix DRAM and having problems - even when mixing identical model packages of DRAM, it's a hit or miss it they will play or not

Okay ty for responding. As local-yokel said, it would probably be better to install a matching dual channel kit to the one I have now and just run all 4 to get a total of 16gbs of ram. This is what I was thinking about heading toward.
Do you agree this would be better? It would save me about $60 and probably cause less of a chance for error.
Hi Tradesman1,
You came in late with that little shocker, moderator or not? there is no need to spread doom & gloom and scare the person.
After 35 years in the computer engineering business with D.E.C & I.B.M, I think I should know what I am talking about. Providing your mixed memory will both run at a given frequency & placed in the correct sequence in the motherboard there will be no problem. We can adjust frequency & voltages later, if necessary. Cheers.